Video Advertising

Capture attention, drive visits, and generate conversions with relevant and engaging video ads.

Combine video advertising with full funnel performance capabilities to reach and convert consumers across OLV.

Why marketers love Criteo video ads

The same superior Criteo data, technology, and scale, now for video ads​.

Unique Audiences & Targeting

Utilize scalable audiences at the top-of-the-funnel to drive new user acquisition, and granular in-market audiences to push those already interacting with your brand to convert.

Robust Access & Scale

Reach consumers across their favorite devices and channels, with access to premium publishers from supply leaders.

Full Funnel Bid Strategy

Set bidding goals for every part of the funnel and let Criteo use the power of AI/ML to optimize towards Awareness (views), Engagement (visits), and Sales (conversions).

Holistic Reporting

Measure your campaign your way. View standard video metrics such as views and completions, and dive deeper with brand lift and full funnel analysis to see video’s impact on consumer perception and lower funnel outcomes.

How it Works

Commerce-focused video advertising.

Target the right audiences, manage with ease, and measure the impact on traffic and sales.

Target in-market consumers who are more likely to buy

Unlock unique shopping behavior insights with our first-party and commerce data to find consumers who are in a buying mind-set. Onboard your own customer data to further enhance connections with existing customers and prospects with video ads.

Engage users across their purchase journey and wherever they consume video content 

Reach consumers wherever they view video content across the open web. Our comprehensive video partnerships and publisher relationships provide premium placements. Connections to leading SSPs help you further scale across high-quality video inventory.

Reach your goals with flexible optimization

Meet your full funnel goals with optimization models which ensure your ads are shown to shoppers most likely to drive your desired results (views, visits, or conversions).

Understand the true value of video for your business 

Manage video and display campaigns from a single platform to move consumers from view to visit to conversion. Track the total ROI of your efforts across the purchase funnel and understand the impact of video on your business.

Results that speak for themselves


Neeman’s brings sustainable footwear to shoppers with Commerce Growth

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Kikikickz builds awareness and traffic for 2-3X ROAS with upper funnel campaigns

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Aventon Bikes cruises to higher ROAS with connected campaigns across the funnel

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Need to see it to believe it?

We’re happy to show you how our video ads work. Request a custom consultation with one of our video experts to learn how you can drive both brand awareness and revenue.