Criteo AI Engine

Build smarter ad campaigns.

Drive outcomes based on your unique goals with hyper-relevant ads tailored for every customer across the full customer journey, served at the perfect moment, and optimized to get results —all with the power of artificial intelligence.

What is the AI Engine?

Commerce-focused machine learning technology.

Our advanced AI algorithms analyze data in real-time from the Criteo Shopper Graph, with insights from 720m daily active users, and 4.5B product SKUs and 3,700 product categories. As our engine learns from real shopper behaviors, it continuously adapts to your campaign objectives. It powers the following capabilities:

  • Audience Targeting
  • Product Recommendations
  • Dynamic Creative Optimization+
  • Predictive Bidding

Start growing your business today!

Find your best customers, engage them with the perfect ad, and meet your business goals. Criteo’s Commerce Media Platform helps you build ad campaigns that increase sales and grow your customer base.