Mubawab grows leads +65% YoY with Criteo Dynamic Retargeting

Conversion rate in the last 30 days
CPL since campaign launch
Leads YoY

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Mubawab is a real estate portal whose mission is to offer a modern and practical advertising site for the Moroccan community.

Mubawab’s challenge was to gain brand visibility and awareness. Ultimately, they wanted to reinforce their leader position on the market and the reference site of choice for the Classified sector (real estate ads) in all Arab countries.



To help achieve their goals, Mubawab chose Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, both because of its superior technology and because of Criteo’s experience with the Classified sector.

With Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, Mubawab delivered personalized ads to visitors showing properties they searched as well as recommendations based on the behavior of similar users. They increased loyalty and converted new users thanks to a deep understanding of each shopper and sophisticated machine learning that ensured that each shopper saw the right ad, at the right time, in the right place.

How it works:

  • Highly personalized ads showed products that a shopper was most likely to be interested in, when they were most likely to buy.
  • Ads were focused on those who were most likely to convert by accurately predicting purchase intent, using an anonymous cross-device understanding of each shopper’s behavior across all devices, browsers and apps.
  • Ads seamlessly connected with every shopper across devices, apps, and the web through insights from our pooled data and the 1.2 billion shoppers we see each month.
  • Campaigns were continuously optimized to remove ineffective placements and focus on high-potential shoppers based on conversions, not just clicks.
  • Machine-learning technology worked continuously to improve the campaign’s performance.


  • +23% conversion rate in the last 30 days
  • -37% CPL since campaign launch
  • +65% leads YoY

“We have been working with Criteo for 2 years and we are delighted. Their retargeting campaigns are essential to maximizing our annual performance. We develop our annual strategy together with our Criteo Account Strategist who recommends and advises us on the sector and the products that suit us. Thanks to this strategy, we have managed to increase the visibility and presence of Mubawab in the online world.”

–Toni Puig, Founder, Mubawab