Maximize your monetization strategy despite signal loss.

The loss of the third-party cookie will impact both the activation and offsite monetization sides of a retailer’s business. With the right strategy, you can preserve marketing effectiveness and protect and grow retail media revenue streams, including offsite monetization.

The new age of addressability is about diversification

To ensure maximum coverage and performance for your offsite monetization and open web activation campaigns, we’ve developed a multi-pronged approach to addressability.

First-Party Data

Because we work with 20K+ retailers, brand advertisers, and publishers, we can match hashed first-party data signals across buyers and sellers at scale to ensure maximum performance for offsite monetization and open web media activation.

This enables you to keep your data flywheel in motion with offsite strategies that drive meaningful traffic and sales onsite.

Google Privacy Sandbox

As one of Google’s first (and largest) testing partners, Criteo is incredibly well positioned for the rollout of Topics, Protected Audiences, and Attribution Reporting APIs once real-world testing commences in January 2024.

Once cookies are fully deprecated, these APIs will ensure you maintain ad personalization and relevance for your own media activation programs while protecting programmatic demand for the monetization side of your business.

Closed Environments

Third-party cookie deprecation will make environments that have rich first-party data and reliable measurement—like retail media properties—more attractive to advertisers. Partner with Criteo to make sure you’re set up to benefit from that increased demand.

For your own activation activities, Criteo’s unique integration with Meta allows you to extend your retargeting campaigns into social channels to drive incremental addressable reach and performance uplift.


Refine your addressability strategy in less than 60 minutes.

Retailers will occupy a unique spot in the cookieless world. To learn more about how you can take advantage as a retailer, watch our on-demand webinar with Nola Solomon, Criteo’s SVP, Global Go-to-Market Strategy & Enablement.   


Future-proof your strategy with Criteo

Retailers, with their wealth of first-party data and owned inventory, are well positioned for onsite growth in the post-cookie world. A little extra preparation can help you make the most of your offsite monetization business, too, and ensure your media activation programs maintain targeting effectiveness, ad relevance, and measurement accuracy.

So how can retailers realize the full upside of their unique position in 2024 and beyond?

Strengthen your first-party data

If you haven’t already, find ways to bolster your first-party data by authenticating shoppers early on in the customer journey through promotions, content, loyalty programs, and other tactics.

The more first-party data you have, the more momentum your flywheel will generate to drive onsite traffic and sales, create more data insights, attract greater demand, inform your own media buying tactics, and so on.

Put your first-party data to work

We encourage our retailer partners to implement OneTag on their sites and share hashed PII with Criteo.

This will ensure addressable activation, offsite monetization, and eligibility for our upcoming Privacy Sandbox testing for retailers.

Expand your retail media offerings

Prepare to take advantage of the shift in ad dollars to retail media by expanding the inventory you make available onsite for monetization and extending your offering offsite.

Need help taking your network to the net level? Partner with Criteo and we’ll do the heavy lifting for you.

Get some clarity with Criteo

Our multi-pronged approach to addressability is a win-win for retailers. It preserves the performance, measurement, and monetization you need while our advanced AI decides which solution is best in any given moment. Get a full overview in our Addressability for Retailers on-demand webinar or contact us to talk to an expert.

Taking Monetization to the Next Level.

Drive impactful and measurable commerce outcomes through our straightforward, holistic solution.

Commerce Yield Retail

Grow ad revenue and enhance relationships with brands.

Commerce Yield In-Store

Drive a seamless media management strategy across your entire ecosystem.

Commerce Yield Marketplace

Optimize your Marketplace monetization.

Commerce Insights

Provides a holistic view of the combined digital shelf for both organic and monetization content that enables retailers to make better decisions on where to place demand.