Break free from the cookie clutter.

Agencies who offer brands strategic guidance to elevate their first-party data strategies will open a new realm of possibilities for their clients and business.

The addressable future depends on diverse solutions

Our multi-pronged approach to addressability helps you navigate your clients through an advertising world beyond third-party cookie deprecation.

First-Party Data

Criteo partners with 20,000+ retailers, brand advertisers, and media owners — hashing first-party signals from buy-side to sell-side partners to target the exact people that brands want. This maintains cross-channel addressability at scale for acquisition, retention, and re-marketing campaigns.

Google Privacy Sandbox

As one of Google’s first (and largest) testing partners, we will be well prepared for the roll out of the Topics, Protected Audiences, and Attribution Reporting APIs (pending testing results).

That’s 63% of the web’s browser traffic covered.

Closed Environments

Our holistic platform offers agencies a unified approach to multiple marketing touchpoints including retail media onsite, offsite, and social—bringing efficiency and scaled addressability to activation campaigns.


Refine your addressability strategy in less than 60 minutes.

It’s vital that agencies choose the right addressability solutions for their clients. To get ahead of the game on which strategy will work best for agencies, watch our on-demand webinar with Nola Solomon, Criteo’s SVP, Global Go-to-Market Strategy & Enablement.   


Future-proof your strategy with Criteo

Brands need their agency partners more than ever as they navigate a world without third-party cookies. Harness this opportunity to better guide clients towards success by advising on strategies for the addressable future.

So how can agencies unlock their clients’ full potential in 2024 and beyond?

Strengthen your first-party data

If you haven’t already, find ways to bolster your first-party data by authenticating shoppers early on in the customer journey through promotions, content, loyalty programs, and other tactics.

The more first-party data you have, the more momentum your flywheel will generate to drive onsite traffic and sales, create more data insights, attract greater demand, inform your own media buying tactics, and so on.

Integrate Criteo OneTag

For clients that are already collecting first -party data, ensure they’re sharing their data inventory with Criteo using industry-standard hashing protocols to create future-proofed addressable IDs.

Implementing OneTag onsite is required for passing hashed IDs to Criteo and participating in Google Privacy Sandbox testing, which will run throughout most of the first half of 2024.

Leverage contextual intelligence

Activate Criteo’s exclusive audiences, built using constantly refreshed behavioral and contextual signals to find your customers wherever they may be.

Get some clarity with Criteo

Our multi-pronged approach to addressability is a win-win for all of our partners. It preserves the performance, measurement, and monetization you need while our advanced AI decides which solution is best in any given moment. Get a full overview in our Addressability for Agencies on-demand webinar or contact us to talk to an expert.

Grow your business with Criteo

Build your brand. Get more customers. Sell more stuff. Criteo’s Commerce Media Platform works for businesses of all sizes.

Get more reach

Go beyond walled gardens. With knowledge from 750m daily active users, Criteo can help you serve ads to totally new audiences based on their unique browsing and buying habits.

Get more intelligence

Leverage AI-powered, identity-resilient audiences that optimize across both behavioral and contextual data to engage new users in any environment, agnostic of third-party identifiers.

Get more power

Deliver hyper-relevant ads that are powered in real-time by our AI Engine, which analyzes 120+ shopper intent signals from 35B daily browsing and buying events.