Industry Report

teknowlogy: European retailers should get smarter than Amazon about data monetization


Retailers in Europe are being too cautious about monetising their first-party shopper data through digital advertising. As a result, the Google-Facebook-Amazon triopoly will keep growing and retailers will keep losing brand dollars to these tech giants.  

This is according to a new Expert View report published on the 29th April 2019 by teknowlogy | PAC, the European industry analyst firm, and written by Olivier Rafal (@olivierrafal), Vice President of Digital Business Innovations and Nick Mayes (@Nick_Mayes), Research Director. 

Criteo is cited in the report as one of the first companies to break ground in creating a retail media solution that enables retailers to become data-driven media businesses.  

Download the full report for an in-depth discussion on the state of retail and shopper data monetization or read our blog post on this report.