Mobile App Advertising

The all-in-one mobile advertising platform for app installs, engagement, and retargeting.

Acquire high value new users who actively engage in your app and drive revenue producing events with Criteo’s industry leading technology.

What is Mobile App Advertising?

A single solution for all of your app growth needs.

Drive more value from your app with a full-funnel advertising strategy.
  • Add qualified new users
  • Increase engagement and in-app conversions
App Engagement

Foster active app users.

Make sure your new app users continue to interact and deliver ROI with a solution proven to increase engagement.

Apps are abandoned after 1 use
People that have 5 or less app sessions before becoming inactive
Users that remain active 7 days after install

Activate new users

Ignite first-time app installers with personalized ads driven by AI that know exactly what to show to drive in-app engagement.

Get re-installed

Win back users that have un-installed your app with ads promoting new features or products, special offers, or other incentives.

Wake up dormant users

Remind lapsed users of what they’re missing–promote seasonal offers, announce an upgrade to a product they bought previously, and more–to inspire them to take action.

App Retargeting

Continue to meet your growth targets by generating more revenue from your existing users.

Increase in-app conversions with dynamic ads

Reach your active app users across more than 550K apps and bring them back to buy with hyper-personalized ads based on a deep understanding of their cross-device browsing and buying behavior.

Drive incremental revenue by showing new items

Many purchases are products that weren’t previously viewed. Our technology puts your entire catalog to work, accurately predicting the best items to show for each user.

Deep link directly to products last viewed

Drive an increase in products browsed per user with ads that directly deep-link shoppers to the most relevant product pages in your app.

Identify your active app users.
See what they’re engaging with in your app.
Send a personalized ad with just the right offer to bring them back.
Deep link them to the product or offer in your app and watch the conversions roll in.

Start growing your business today!

Find your best customers, engage them with the perfect ad, and meet your business goals. Criteo’s Commerce Media Platform helps you build ad campaigns that increase sales and grow your customer base.