When you browse the website or mobile application of an Advertiser using our technologies or using an Ad exchange platform with which we work, we collect the following data:
- Identifier of a Criteo cookie that we have assigned to your web browser
Example: UID=13278a5c-3997-4b97-826d-19609eecb975
- Advertising ID of your Smartphone (such as Apple’s IDFA ID or Google’s AAID)
Example: 6D93078A-8259-4BA4-AE5B-76104861E7DC
- An Exchange platform cookie ID if applicable
Example: ae3601c5-315d-3600-715e-cd853ed01d3a
This allows Criteo to recognize your browser or mobile device and assign to it in the data that we may collect, without identifying you.
Technical information related to the device you use
- User-agent string of your browser, (i.e. a series of characters sent by your browser to the server of the website you are visiting to communicate information about the type of device you are using (smartphone, computer, etc.) and the operating system of your device (version, language, system date and time, etc.))
Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36
- Use of an advertising blocker
This allows Criteo to optimize the display of ads on the device you are using.
Data regarding your internet connection
Example: 91.199.242 (last octet removed)
This allows Criteo to recognize your browser or mobile device and assign to it the navigation data that we may collect, without identifying you.
Browsing events
- Data relating to your use of a website or mobile application
Examples : Products you have viewed, products you have put in your shopping cart and products you have purchased
For each navigation event, we also collect the date and time of the event, the URL of the page or the name of the application on which the event took place.
This allows Criteo to identify the products that interest you.
This allows Criteo to derive non-precise information about your geographical location (country, region or city) in order to display advertisements for products available in your geographical area.
Data necessary for fraud prevention / fight against fraud
This helps in combating fraud, in particular by detecting activities that do not match human activity. It allows Criteo to invoice our services to Advertisers, in particular when you click on our ads and create reports on advertising campaigns containing aggregate data for a set of users.
Data transmitted by the Advertiser
- CRM identifier that the Advertiser has assigned to you within its own customer relationship management software
- Extra data used by the Advertiser (eg. date of travel, price)
- Events that happened in a physical store
- Advertising ID of your smartphone (such as Apple’s IDFA ID or Google’s AAID)
Example: 6D93078A-8259-4BA4-AE5B-76104861E7DC
- Pseudonymized mail addresses
The email addresses transmitted by Advertisers are subject to pseudonymization methods to irreversibly transform them into a series of characters. For example, once pseudonymized, the address nom@email.com would become 98307a5ba02fa1072b8792f743bd8b5151360556b8e5a6120fa9a04ae02c88c0.
This improves our ability to provide you with a seamless experience across all browsers and devices you use and enables Criteo to onboard CRM audiences built by Advertisers.