
Criteo Data Shows Holiday Ecommerce Off to A Big Start: +17.7% in the US

-   Criteo’s analysis of shopping data from some of the world’s largest retailers indicates that in the US, shoppers are increasingly turning online for their holiday gifting. From November 1 – November 18 (the Saturday before Black Friday) in the US: +7.9% year over year increase in Shoppers +17.7% increase in the number of Purchasers […]

Omnishopper Field Guide for Retailers, Part 2: Omnishopper Habitats and Life Cycle

-   Here’s part two of our field guide on omnishoppers, designed to help rmarketers get to know these buyers and keep them coming back for more.

TV and cross device marketing opportunities

The Long and Short of Second Screen Marketing Opportunities

- We spend a lot of time on our phones. In line at the grocery store. Waiting for the bus. Sitting at a café. But, more than anything, we’re using them in front of the TV. Research from eMarketer recently found that 177 million adults use their phones while watching TV, marking a 5.1% increase from […]

Omnishopper Field Guide for Retailers, Part 1: Anatomy of an Omnishopper

- As the use of multiple devices, channels, and platforms to browse and buy products becomes the norm, capturing the attention and loyalty of the omnishopper in-the-wild is key. We’ve compiled this handy field guide to help retailers spot these extremely valuable buyers, learn how they think, and entice them back for more.

[WEBINAR] What Your Shoppers Really Think: Trends & Tips for the New Year

-   ‘Tis the season… for everyone to start thinking about strategies for upcoming seasons. What are your shoppers going to be doing in 2018? How are they going to find and buy products? And how can you be there when they’re finally ready to purchase? Criteo’s latest research can help you decide. In our latest […]

Why Retail Stores Aren’t Dead: Omnishopper Perspectives – Part 1

-   Understanding omnishoppers is key. Are we living in a retail apocalypse, or is it something different altogether? There’s no doubt that we’re in a period of great transformation in retail – some of it painful – but there is a vibrant future emerging for retailers who understand omnichannel behavior. To further shed light on […]

3 Omnichannel Marketing Examples from Nordstrom, Red Roof Inn, and Sephora

-   On the surface, a grocery store, luxury retailer, and a budget motel chain may not seem like they have too much in common. But when it comes to omnichannel marketing examples, top brands are pushing boundaries when it comes to customer experience. Many shoppers use phones while they’re in stores to research products and […]

Mobile Sales Set to Peak with Just Days Left for Diwali

- As we enter the Diwali festival week, mobile share of online sales are set to peak in India. Diwali is the prime shopping period for Indians, as the Thanksgiving to New Year period is in the West. All major online marketplaces in India have announced big festival sales with Amazon’s “Great Indian Festival” sale, Flipkart’s […]

Amazon Goes Offline, Walmart Goes Online: Why Data & Collaboration Matter

- The retail industry is undergoing a big transformation with new services and initiatives being launched every week. Walmart just announced “Mobile Express Returns”, a service to make the returns process more simpler and quicker for customers using the Walmart app. With Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods and investments to grow its physical presence, Walmart is […]

The Starbucks Online Store is Gone – Here’s Why

-   If you were hoping to welcome fall with pumpkin spice latte syrups or seasonal Starbucks mugs, you’re going to have to start looking closer to home this month. The Starbucks online store is gone. This can seem like a surprising decision, especially in a world where just about everything, even your cup of morning […]

Privacy by Design: A Fundamental and Innovative Approach to Privacy

-   Welcome to part one of this three-part series, where we’ll be talking about Privacy by Design, a core Criteo business principle aligned to the EU’s recently adopted General Data Protection Regulation that guides how we design, build and implement our industry-leading performance marketing solutions. Our ability to understand a consumer’s entire online shopping journey […]

Top 3 Mobile Retargeting Tips for Retailers

-   Did you know that, according to eMarketer, only 11 percent of app users remain active seven days after install? Even more significant – what happens to the remaining 89 percent? Based on these numbers alone, it’s critical retailers implement not just a user acquisition (UA) campaign but a smart retention strategy, too. A great […]