
Criteo Debuts in Kochava Traffic Index and Singular ROI Index

- We’re excited to announce that after acquiring app-install advertising company Manage, Criteo debuted in the Kochava Traffic Index and the 2019 Singular ROI Index. With the integration of Manage’s mobile app-install advertising solution, Criteo will become the only full-funnel mobile ad stack that operates in the open internet. Our enhanced app-advertising capabilities will make Criteo […]

The UK Ad-Tech Market in Focus

- Online is the largest and fastest growing ad spend category in Europe. In the UK, online ad spend is the only category seeing double-digit growth. That’s a lot of brands and retailers putting a lot of money towards digital marketing.

The French Ad-Tech Market in Focus

-   Today’s world is digital-first. Many people already have multiple devices, and are connected 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You might think it would be easy for advertisers to reach their target consumers, but ad tech has never been more complicated.

The German Ad-Tech Market in Focus

-   The results are in: Online accounts for 34% of global ad spend and is the fastest growing channel. And the German ad-tech market is growing fast.

What Former Toys”R”Us Shoppers Can Teach Us About Customer Loyalty

-   It costs less to keep a customer than it does to convert a new one. This rings particularly true in today’s retail landscape, where consumers have endless options at their fingertips. Customer loyalty as we know it is disappearing, and retailers have to rediscover what it takes to retain shoppers. So we set out […]

3 Retail Myths Debunked by Our Toys”R”Us Shopper Survey

-   When we talk about the future of retail, we often focus on just that — the future. Conversations fixate on new in-store technologies or revolutions in data and personalized marketing, but we rarely look to examples of the past to anticipate what’s next for retail. One example the industry cannot ignore is Toys”R”Us. Though […]

3 Lessons the Late Toys“R”Us Can Teach Retailers About Consumer Behavior

-   When Toys”R”Us filed for bankruptcy, the retail giant closed around 700 locations worldwide and thousands of shoppers were left without their toy store of choice.  The retail landscape is changing rapidly, and there was no one reason behind the bankruptcy. Analysts pointed to cost cuts, retail competition, and the inability to innovate, to name […]

5 Big Trends We Predicted That Came True in 2018

-   As 2019 gets into full swing, we wanted to look back at the commerce and marketing trends we predicted for 2018, and then see what actually happened. From more voice-enabled purchasing and major acquisitions, to the rise of social media and video marketing, last year the retail industry experienced a number of disruptive changes.

The Winter Sales Season in Europe: What to Expect in 2019

-   To get shoppers excited and active again after the festive season rush, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain launch sales in the first or second week of January. This seasonal period, called Winter Sales, is when we see a notable uptick in traffic and conversions.

How to Market Retail & Ecommerce on Pinterest

- According to Pinterest data, 93% of pinners have used Pinterest to plan for, research, or make purchases and half of pinners have made a purchase after seeing a Promoted Pin. Though the network doesn’t boast quite as big of a following as Facebook or Instagram, its conversion metrics make it a highly valuable channel for retail and ecommerce. […]

How to Market Retail & Ecommerce on Instagram

-   This past summer, Instagram hit 1 billion monthly active users. More than 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business page. Add to that the fact that the newest generation of shoppers, Gen Z, cite social media as their lead media influencer on purchase decisions and you have an undeniable business case for […]

Forrester cites Criteo Retail Media as a turnkey offering to help commerce companies mine first-party data

- On the 5th December 2018, Forrester published a report written by industry analyst Sucharita Kodali (@smulpuru) titled Retailers: You’re the Next Media Moguls, Media Networks From Commerce Companies Are Growing And Transforming Shopping (subscription required), with Fiona Swerdlow, Susan Bidel, Collin Colburn, Joanna O’Connell and Heidi Anderson. In the report, Forrester provides insights on how retailers are building ad businesses and serving onsite ads […]