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Beet.TV: The Impact Of GDPR, According To Criteo CFO Fouilland

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How We Discover New Products is Changing — Thanks to Online Shopping

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Smartphones are the Preferred Method of Shopping on the Mobile Web

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66% of Online Sales Come from a Mobile App

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TechBytes with Guillaume Marcerou, Global Privacy Director, Criteo

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Beet.TV: Big Vendors Still Not GDPR-Compliant: TBR’s Williams

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Among E-Tailers, Amazon Is Neither Friend Nor Foe

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What Brands, Publishers and Ad-Tech Companies Need to Know About GDPR

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Mobile Apps Were the Most Popular E-commerce Channel in Q4 2017

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8 Commerce Trends for 2018: Converge and Collaboration Will Win

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Omnichannel Investments Paying Off

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Study: In-app transactions jumped 46% in 2017

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