Video Retargeting: How It Works and Why You Need It

Unlock the power of video retargeting, a marketer's secret weapon for reigniting customer connections. Ride the wave of video consumption
Updated on May 7, 2024

Of the retargeting strategies in your digital marketing arsenal, video retargeting is one you can’t ignore. Shoppers spend a third of their time online watching video content. With more and more people engaging with video across all devices, video advertising is increasing 40% year-over-year and Cisco forecasts that in two years’ time, more than 80% of internet traffic will be video-based.

For marketers, video retargeting is a crucial way to reengage with customers. Not only is the consumption of video increasing – it’s also a highly engaging advertising format.

Online Video Advertising Guide

How to Use Video to Drive Business Results.

A Huge Retargeting Opportunity

To drive conversions and increase engagement, you need to be where your shoppers are – whether they’re on their phones, tablets, or desktops – and this means taking advantage of video’s popularity. Part of the reason video is so powerful is that it captures attention. Viewers are engaged and, if the content is personalized, it can have a huge impact on product decisions, brand awareness, and cross-channel touchpoints.

video retargeting stats

The audience is there. But how can you reach each and every one of these potential shoppers with relevant offerings in a format they’ll enjoy?

How Video Retargeting Works

How Video Retargeting Works
Source: Hyperfine Media
  • A shopper, let’s call him Ben, visits your site and looks at a variety of products. Ben’s shopping behaviors are captured at each event level using tracking pixels. He leaves your site, and starts to browse the internet.
  • As Ben moves through different websites or even into different apps, the video retargeting process continues in real-time. His purchase intent is calculated, video inventory is purchased, relevant product recommendations are determined and the personalized video ad is generated and served, all in real-time. Ben’s video ads could show up in-stream, out-stream, or in-app, depending on where he is browsing.
  • These video ads display products that Ben’s shown interest in, and new product discoveries that he might like. If, for example, Ben had been browsing a travel booking site, the video ad might include new discoveries based on factors including his preferences and the item’s availability.
  • Having been enticed by a personalized video ad containing products he’s interested in, Ben clicks on the ad and is deep-linked back to your app or website to complete the purchase.

With 51% of global marketing professionals naming video as the type of content with the best ROI and 52% believing video is effective for brand awareness, there’s no reason video retargeting shouldn’t be a part of your marketing campaigns. By adding video to your campaign mix, you’ll engage more shoppers with the products they need and love.

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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