The Smart Marketer’s Guide to Google Shopping

Google Shopping is an undeniably effective—and challenging—tool for retailers. Here’s how smart marketers are using advanced technology
Updated on November 2, 2017

Google Shopping has made it easier for consumers to find what they want, when they want it, and is an indispensable part of an effective retail marketing strategy. Yet many marketers find themselves spending far too much time mired in the operational and structural challenges that Google Shopping presents — and missing conversions because of a lack of Google Shopping strategies.

Thankfully, machine learning and automation make driving results in this channel easier, more precise and more effective than ever before.

In this report, you will learn effective Google Shopping strategies by covering:

  • The difficulties of balancing reach and ROI and how to overcome them
  • How to increase the ease, efficiency and efficacy of Google Shopping campaigns
  • The limits of Google’s Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
  • How to significantly improve granularity in your remarketing lists
  • Which factors most influence a Google Shopping campaign

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