IDC: Criteo Positions Itself As Platform – Goes Up-Funnel, Doubles Down On Retail Solutions

Industry analyst Karsten Weide, Program VP, Media and Entertainment at IDC, dissects an industry analyst briefing with Criteo CEO JB Rudelle.
Updated on May 8, 2024

Industry analyst Karsten Weide, Program VP, Media and Entertainment at IDC (@KarstenW), dissected a recent industry analyst briefing with Criteo CEO JB Rudelle into an IDC Link: Criteo Positions Itself As Platform – Goes Up-Funnel, Doubles Down On Retail Solutions (10th May 2019, #lcUS45068519).

He goes through Criteo’s positioning as the leading advertising platform for the open internet, and our move to expand beyond direct response marketing (retargeting) into brand awareness and retail media. It details both offerings, Retail Media and Marketing Solutions, and points out Criteo’s differentiations: our Shopper Graph, AI Engine, and supply connections.

His “quick take:”

Criteo is moving fast to diversify its revenue sources, aiming to drive growth while at the same time becoming less dependent on its retargeting business. The company has consolidated its advertising technology into a platform that now supports both its original “Marketing Solutions” business as well as its relatively new “Retail Media” business. The former branches out into the upper sales funnel, with solutions to drive awareness and consideration beyond the original retargeting conversion business. The latter, also addressing the entire funnel, is adding a package of solutions designed to help retailers monetize their Web sites by giving them tools to run ads on behalf of their brand partners. IDC believes that with these steps, Criteo has a good chance to thrive in the ever-more-competitive advertising technology business.

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