Criteo Customer Acquisition: New Customers, More Conversions

With Criteo Customer Acquisition, you can engage only the most relevant new customers based on historic shopping and browsing patterns, interests, and likelihood to ...
Updated on May 8, 2024

As an online retailer, you’re always looking for effective ways to find new, relevant customers and bring them back to your website. And while finding the right shoppers is important, it’s far from easy.

A recent survey by Criteo finds that more marketers are devoting a significant amount of their digital advertising budgets to paid display acquisition solutions.* How do you make sure your investment is well-spent on new customer acquisition?

With Criteo Customer Acquisition, you can engage only the most relevant new customers based on historic shopping and browsing patterns, interests, and likelihood to convert for your products.

To better understand how Criteo Customer Acquisition helps you reach new customers, let’s take a look at the technology that powers the product.

Find new customers with Criteo Shopper Graph

You’ve heard about walled gardens of data, but it’s the opposite case here. The Criteo Shopper Graph is the world’s largest open shopper data set. It measures shopper identity and interest and presents a unified understanding of not only a shopper’s online journey but also real-time intent data.

Criteo Customer Acquisition leverages the full capabilities of both the Shopper Graph’s Identity Graph and Interest Map.

The Identity Graph contains over 2B global cross-device IDs and has over 10,000 participating clients while the Interest Map covers over 4 billion products and the browsing habits of over 1.2 billion monthly shoppers to generate 600TB of daily shopper data.

Increase Shopper Conversions with shopper scoring

Every potential customer has a value, specifically the likelihood they buy something from your store. If you’re a high-end fashion retailer, it wouldn’t make sense to target someone who has zero history of shopping at or even browsing a luxury retailer.

Criteo granularly analyzes the aforementioned 600TB of daily shopping and browsing events in the Shopper Graph Interest Map.

Once this data is applied to each user across our network of participating advertisers, we can better understand and isolate targets from existing customers on different devices.

Each prospect is assigned a unique score across all participating retailers based on the ideal customers, that shows their likelihood to convert with you. Criteo targets the shoppers with the highest scores and serves them personalized ads featuring your products.

Deliver personalized ads with DCO+ to drive traffic to your site

Finding your customers is just the first step. Delivering compelling messaging and convincing those customers to convert is the key to achieving your objectives. Criteo Customer Acquisition uses machine learning to leverage behavioral data from 1.2B+ active internet shoppers and find new customers for your acquisition campaigns.

As part of Criteo’s engine, DCO+ helps your campaign generate visually stunning ads with the highest levels of one-to-one creative personalization, all the while maintaining ad formats and brand consistency.

Maximize ROI with a Performance-Based Model

While other tech partners might charge for impressions, Criteo only charges when shoppers engage with your campaign by clicking on an ad. This way, we help you maximize ROI and make sure you benefit from our unique, performance-based acquisition solution.

A Criteo Customer Acquisition Success Story

In an effort to drive sales from new customers, New Look applied Criteo’s performance-based technology as part of its upper-funnel acquisition strategies.

By targeting highly relevant shoppers with a propensity to convert, Criteo brought New Look a 62% new customer rate. Criteo served each shopper with a personalized product ad by applying unique and user-centric product recommendations based on the shopper’s interests and product category preferences.

This resulted in 4 times more orders with a 74% lower Cost Per Order (CPO) for New Look, compared to their other customer acquisition partners.

Learn More! Speak to a Criteo Customer Acquisition Representative Today

As a marketer, having the right acquisition tools in your arsenal is key to winning new shoppers and keeping your brand and products top of mind.

With the benefits of Criteo Customer Acquisition, you can tap into our expansive, real-time data set and client network to discover new shoppers and help them discover you. By delivering the right message at the right time to the right person, you’ll find your customer base expanding in no time.

*Source: Criteo Customer Acquisition survey (UK, US, FR, DE, BR), July 2017

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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