Use Data to Drive Performance with Criteo Shopper Graph

The Criteo Commerce Ecosystem uses the world's largest open shopper data set, the Criteo Shopper Graph, to provide solutions for the entire shopper journey: ...
Updated on September 26, 2023

Digital marketing has gotten crowded and complicated. Back in the early 2000s, the average consumer typically used two touch points when buying an item and only 7% used more than four. There were no smartphones, tablets, or social media. When you wanted to buy something, you would order online and wait a long time – or just go to a store.

Today’s shoppers are omnishoppers. They’re browsing online and trying on in-store, or finding something in-store that they’ll compare prices for online, from different devices. This means that for most marketers today, the challenges they face all come down to finding the right audience.

With limited touchpoints and data, conversions are hard to track and siloed data doesn’t allow for a single photo of the shopper journey.

Criteo solves for all of those problems with a powerful, open commerce marketing ecosystem that’s powered by the Criteo Shopper Graph. Let’s take a look:

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The World’s Largest Open Shopper Data Set

The Criteo Commerce Ecosystem provides solutions for the entire shopper journey: acquisition, conversion, and re-engagement, and each is powered by different parts of the Criteo Shopper Graph. They are:

    1. Identity Graph contains over 2 billion cross-device, same-device, and online ids enabling the on-boarding and activation of audiences and offline transaction data.
    2. Shopper Interest allows visibility across four billion products.
    3. Measurement Data empowers conversions and sales tracking across retailers, including closed-loop measurement of offline sales driven by online interactions.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the same amount of data as Amazon. The Criteo Commerce Marketing Ecosystem offers you data around:

  • $550 billion in online sales
  • 700 million active online shoppers
  • 10,000+ retailer and publisher websites

Being a part of the Criteo Commerce Ecosystem means you’ll gain access to this pooled identity data to enhance analytics, attribution, website personalization, and more. Best of all, it is available at no extra fee.

To learn more about how the Criteo Shopper Graph can help you achieve your business goals, contact us today.

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Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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