Criteo Spring Release Updates: Analytics, Creatives, and More

Our product team has been focusing on making reporting better than ever, from custom reports to new attribution functions.
Updated on April 14, 2020

With the global launch of our web traffic solution in January, Criteo hit the ground running in 2020. We’ve been continuously building out our product offerings to ensure that all the customers who rely on Criteo’s advertising platform have more flexibility, control, and transparency.

Our first quarter saw a lot of improvements to the platform experience. Our product team focused on making reporting better than ever, from custom reports to new attribution functions.

Read about all that and more below:

1. New Campaign Analytics

We’ve added several additional reporting capabilities, bringing you new insights into your campaigns and how to optimize each one. With these new features, you can:

  • Understand how different creatives perform. You can now view how Criteo is leveraging your ad creatives, and their performance. This includes the total number of displays and their share of volume. The new Creatives dashboard offers breakdowns by format, display size, or coupons.
  • Monitor your campaign performance in real time. The real time dashboard can help you optimize and assess the impact of your campaign updates. View your cost, displays, and clicks in real time. You can add other metrics to this dashboard and analyze period-over-period comparisons.

2. Campaign Management

We wanted to give all of our advertisers more control over their campaigns, so we upgraded campaign management in a big way. The Criteo Ad Platform now allows you to:

  • Start, pause, and archive campaigns. Take full control of your campaigns, with the ability to start, pause, and archive your campaigns. (Note: This feature is not currently available in Japan, India, or Russia).
  • Finetune your targeted audiences. Whether you’re using a Criteo-created audience or your own contact list, you can your audience any time.

Transparency & Control

We’re working hard to make sure that every Criteo user can easily control their ad campaigns, from start-to-finish. By focusing on better reporting, we also wanted to give advertisers new insights into how their ads are performing.

We still have a lot more coming down the pipeline in the coming months, and we’re excited to share more product updates in the future.

We’re here to support you and help you to continue your business during these uncertain times. You can access COVID-19 resources from within your Criteo dashboards. You can also read our latest analysis, based on data from more than 80 countries and two billion active monthly shoppers, of coronavirus consumer trends.

Learn more about the Criteo Ad Platform here.

Gabriele Dane

Gabriele is a product marketing manager focused on celebrating Criteo’s customers and their successes. Her work has been featured in Nieman Lab, Quartz, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Money, and Mashable. She enjoys geeking out over digital trends, data science, and well-placed Oxford commas.

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