IDC: Criteo #1 for market share in advertising software

On September 8, 2018, IDC published a market share report, Worldwide Digital Advertising Software Market Shares, 2017: Despite Intense M&A Activity, Ad Tech Still a ...
Updated on June 19, 2024

On the 7thSeptember 2018, industry analyst Karsten Weide (@KarstenW) at IDC published a market share report titled Worldwide Digital Advertising Software Market Shares, 2017: Despite Intense M&A Activity, Ad Tech Still a Fragmented Market (DOC #US44240218).

Who’s the number one for market share in this space?


The advertising and marketing technology markets can be very confusing indeed for buyers, for instance ChiefMartec lists nearly 7,000 MarTech vendors. Some vendors or research firms resort to categories to make sense of it all, but the pace of innovation in AdTech quickly renders their taxonomies inefficient. For instance, Criteo offer advertising technology solutions combining both the supply and demand sides across the open web today, yet can’t easily be portrayed as a SSP or a DSP.

This is one of the first attempts by industry analysts to quantify the AdTech market, and in a fragmented market consolidated and dominated by the Google/Facebook duopoly and with Amazon ramping up, Criteo emerges as the #1 player in the “advertising software market.”

 Source: Figure 1, Worldwide Digital Advertising Software Market Shares, 2017, IDC (DOC #US44240218, 07-SEP-2018), reproduced with permission ; 2017 Share (%), Revenues ($M), and Growth (%).
Source: Figure 1, Worldwide Digital Advertising Software Market Shares, 2017, IDC (DOC #US44240218, 07-SEP-2018), reproduced with permission ; 2017 Share (%), Revenues ($M), and Growth (%).

According to the author Karsten Weide, IDC’s Program Vice President, Digital Media and Entertainment (@karstenw):

“Criteo came out as a market leader in our first ever analysis of advertising technology vendors. This is mostly due to the strong position they have built in retargeting over the past 13 years, and they have become an end-to-end player by offering other solutions as well for both brands and publishers.”

Key trends detailed in the report

  • The digital advertising software segment is very fragmented with the top 15 vendors represent not even 40% of the market despite the ongoing intense merger and acquisition activity
  • The overall market for advertising software grew at 38% year on year, from $9.2 billion in 2016 to $12.7 billion in 2017
  • AdTech sales (ex-TAC) represent 4.7% of ad spend in 2017, up from 4.0% in 2016 ; IDC forecasts this to grow to 7.8% by 2022 thanks to ad spend growth (+19% CY16/CY17)  and automation continues pushing a transition from traditional TV advertising to digital video advertising, specifically connected TV advertising

Listen to the on-demand webinar

Check the fireside conversation between Karsten Weide / Programme Vice President Media & Entertainment, IDC and Jen Whelan / SVP Marketing, Criteo on future trends for AdTech. Click on the image to view it.

On demand webinar: adtech trends fireside chat with Karsten Weide / IDC and Jen Whelan /SVP Marketing, Criteo

See also

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