The Winter Sales Season in Europe: What to Expect in 2019

Criteo’s analysis of what happened last season shows just how big the opportunity is for brands & retailers in 2019, and what to prepare for.
Updated on December 29, 2020

To get shoppers excited and active again after the festive season rush, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain launch sales in the first or second week of January. This seasonal period, called Winter Sales, is when we see a notable uptick in traffic and conversions.

Criteo’s analysis of what happened last season shows just how big the opportunity is for retailers and brands during Winter Sales 2019 — and what to prepare for.


In 2018, January 10 marked the start of winter sales in France, which lasted until February 20. In 2019, winter sales will start on January 9 and run for six weeks, until February 19.

During the first day of the sales period in France in 2018:

  • Fashion/Luxury and Sporting Goods sales saw an increase of over 141%. This may be due to shoppers treating themselves after the festive season and making good on New Year’s resolutions.
  • Home Improvement sales grew by 64%, and Health/Beauty sales rose by 60% in step with the annual “new year, new you” theme.

Sales drop after the first day but do maintain an overall sales index of +36% for the first week of winter sales.


In Germany, winter sales begin on the last Monday in January and last for two weeks. That means in 2019, the winter sales period will kick off on January 28, 2019.

During Germany’s 2018 winter sales, Fashion/Luxury and Sporting Goods spiked most:

  • Are shoppers on the hunt for Valentine’s Day (February 14) jewelry? Fashion/Luxury sales grew during the first weekend and last weekend of the sales period.
  • New Year’s resolutions might be peaking people’s interest: Health/Beauty and Sporting Goods sales surged only at the start of the sales period and gradually dropped back to the baseline.
  • Mass Merchants sales surged on the first weekend of the sales period.


In 2018, January 5 marked the start of winter sales in Italy. Look for sales to start on or around the same date in 2019.

During Italy’s winter sales last season, Fashion/Luxury and Health/Beauty spiked most:

  • Fashion/Luxury saw an increase in 74% in sales on the first day of the sales period, while Health/Beauty spiked by 70% on January 15. Here again, Italian consumers could be treating themselves, early-gift-shopping for Valentine’s Day, and/or kicking their year off with new wellness items.


In 2018, January 7 marked the start of winter sales in Spain. Look for sales to start on or around the same date in 2019.

Despite the busy festive season, Spanish shoppers are keen to purchase just after the new year.

For the most Winter Sales, keep your marketing strong.

Depending on your region in Europe, retail spikes can happen at the top of Winter Sales and/or throughout the entire period. Keep your advertising efforts strong from beginning to end and look forward to kicking off 2019 with bang.

For all the insights on Winter Sales 2019, check out the complete slides here:

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