Uncovering Commerce Video Series [Ep. 1]: Megan Clarken Explains Commerce Media

In the inaugural episode of our Uncovering Commerce series, Criteo CEO Megan Clarken explains commerce media and why it matters for the future of digital ...
Updated on April 9, 2022

With access to the largest commerce data set on the open internet and more than 14 years of experience in digital advertising, no one knows commerce like Criteo. We also know that it’s not always easy to follow the many ways that commerce is evolving. That’s why we’re excited to launch “Uncovering Commerce”, a new video series hosted by our Chief Development Officer and Chief Commercial Officer, David Fox. Each episode, he’ll chat with industry leaders across the commerce landscape to understand how change is impacting the digital advertising industry and what that means for marketers, media owners, and consumers.

For the pilot episode, Megan Clarken joined him for a candid conversation on why commerce media matters in a world marked by rapid change. Here are a few highlights:

What is Commerce Media?

When it comes to defining one of the hottest marketing terms today, Megan had this to say: “I often get asked how [commerce media] is different to the targeting that we see today and that we all know. Targeting is so often based on third party cookie, behavioral-type data sets and predictions about, well, they did this before, and therefore they might do this going forward. It doesn’t have the depth of [first-party] commerce data that commerce media has and it certainly doesn’t drive the sorts of results that we see coming out of commerce media. So, it really is about taking traditional targeting and putting it on steroids to use the data, use the intelligence to drive outcomes.”

What makes Criteo’s Commerce Media Platform unique?

In Megan’s words, Criteo not only activates three times the commerce data of Amazon, we “have access to 21,000 brands and retailers on one side and over 5,000 media owners on the other side. The connection between both sides is in an open internet environment, not reliant on walled gardens. We have a tradition of being world-class in machine learning and AI plus a focus on outcomes, as a company that’s come from performance. All of those things make our proposition so strong in the world of commerce media.”

What benefits does commerce media provide to consumers?

The ultimate goal of commerce media is to provide richer shopping experiences for consumers by supporting the open internet and the discovery, innovation, and choice that it enables. According to Megan, “The focus for us is making sure that we can continue to support an environment for [consumers] which they’re in control of, that they know exactly what’s going on around the use of their data, and that they get choice and a diverse set of opportunities put in front of them. It’s about making sure that we make their experience a really valuable one.”

Watch the full interview for more, including the top trends shaping the future of commerce and Megan’s prediction for the future:

Michelle Pruett

As Global Head of Content at Criteo, Michelle leads a high-performing, multi-disciplinary team of marketers packaging insights, copy, design, and video into integrated campaigns. Her own writing has been featured in Entrepreneur, Business Insider, AdWeek, eMarketer, and more. Before joining the ...

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