How 3 Retailers Used Social Retargeting Campaigns to Increase Sales

Updated on February 21, 2023

With Facebook currently boasting 2.07 billion monthly active users globally, it’s more important than ever for marketers to implement effective social retargeting campaigns into their retargeting efforts. Since users spend so much time within the Facebook ecosystem – both in Facebook itself and Instagram – creating a consistent ad experience on social channels can help keep you top of mind. Especially if a user abandons a shopping cart on your site.

Criteo Dynamic Retargeting can help you build social retargeting campaigns that re-engage shoppers and target those most likely to buy. Each ad is personalized to that individual, too, so when she sees an ad, the content will stand out from the noise on Facebook. That can mean big upticks in incremental sales – the advertisers that use dynamic retargeting for Facebook retargeting campaigns see about a 16% sales uplift on average.

Here are three of our favorite success stories when it comes to great social retargeting campaigns:

(Learn More: Confused About What Retargeting Is? Here’s How Retargeting Works)  

La Redoute

Facebook Retargeting

French fashion and home good retailer La Redoute looked to Criteo to expand its Criteo Dynamic Retargeting campaigns to Facebook Dynamic Product Ads. Criteo’s Dynamic Retargeting evaluates each shopper’s journey across thousands of publishers and devices in order to access purchase intent. The Criteo Engine then predicts the optimal personalized offer to display on Facebook for maximum sales conversions – all in real time.

By adding Facebook Dynamic Ads to its existing Criteo Dynamic Retargeting campaigns, La Redoute was able to convert 10% more customers at about half the cost of sale. Our tight integration with Facebook Dynamic Ads and ability to capture purchase intent across shoppers’ journeys helped La Redoute reach customers when they were most likely to convert, generating 28% more incremental sales from new product discovery at 10% lower cost per order.


One of the top 30 online Swiss retailers, Vedia has been partnering with Criteo since 2014 to reach customers with highly personalized messages. Seeking to unlock even more sales in additional channels without increasing marketing spend, Vedia turned to Criteo again to incorporate Facebook Dynamic Product Ads.

Leveraging Crtieo Dynamic Retargeting to power their Facebook Dynamic Ads Campaigns, Vedia used Criteo’s programmatic technology to reach new shoppers across Facebook and increased sales by 15% across all campaigns. Further, being able to evaluate a shopper’s complete journey across Criteo’s immense network of 16,000 direct publisher partners along with Facebook integration, Vedia extended its reach across the entire purchase path, decreasing campaign CPO by nearly 20% and COS by 7%.

Soft Surroundings 

Facebook retargeting campaigns

Noticing a plateau in the sales and reach from their existing performance marketing campaigns, Soft Surroundings, a woman’s retailer, partnered with Criteo to expand their display and social retargeting efforts in order to grow overall online sales. Criteo implemented a combination of dynamic product ads and Facebook campaigns for Soft Surroundings and during the holiday season, managed bids day-to-day to make sure Soft Surroundings’ campaigns were fully optimized for peak results.

Criteo’s hands-on management and the campaigns’ expanded channel mix dramatically increased traffic and generated positive social interactions. In Q4 of 2015, Facebook Dynamic Product Ads increased Criteo post-click sales by 20%, site traffic by 210% and online sales by 775%.

Making Marketing Social 

When used strategically, social retargeting can be an incredibly effective way to capture more sales by helping re-engage savvy and on-the-fence shoppers who are already or likely to engage with your brand.

As shoppers browse elsewhere after they leave your site, social retargeting can reintroduce them to products they’re already interested in — and offer them a promotion they might not want to let get away.

Personalized advertising goes beyond sending the right message – it’s sending the right message at the right moment on the right channel. As demonstrated by our success stories above, reaching shoppers wherever they’re active with personalized and dynamic creative is a powerful formula for driving not just sales, but valuable brand engagement.

Learn more by downloading our Retargeting 201 ebook below!

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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