CXP Expert View: AI as an ideal means to avoid the pitfalls of marketing

Iindustry analysts David Gauthier (@dagautier) and Olivier Rafal (@olivierrafal) discuss the association of marketing and artificial intelligence in their new ...
Updated on March 27, 2024

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Artificial intelligence sneaks in everywhere -and probably even faster in the realms of marketing. Far from the Mad Men caricature, marketeers have pressed the fast-forward button all the way into The Matrix. Nowadays B2C marketing is firmly a love-hate affair with technology.

Or is it rather a “marriage of convenience” as CXP Group industry analysts David Gautier (@dagautier) and Olivier Rafal (@olivierrafal) call this association in their new research report CXP Expert View: AI as an ideal means to avoid the pitfalls of marketing (July 2018)?

They argue that with the exponential growth of digital marketing, we’re fast approaching the stage where messages become irrelevant for consumers. The authors explain AI can help by enabling mass personalisation at scale and conclude by recommending it’s ripe for immediate investments.

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