Seasonal Shopping Snapshot: Q4 Trends Around the World

See detailed stats on peak shopping moments. Simply select a world region, then choose a country to dive into the data.
Updated on February 16, 2023

Christmas is just a few months away, and as everyone knows, that means that peak shopping season about to begin. What you might not know is that Q4 is actually a make-or-break time for retail in many places around the world, and different regions have different traditions. Ever heard of El Buen Fin, Singles Day, or Double 12? Read on to learn more.

How and what will consumers shop for during peak holiday season?

From Black Friday buying patterns to top retail categories, we analyzed our 2018 data to see what we might be able to expect this year. Specifically, we compared shopper activity over the Black Friday period to the month prior (October), and also looked at fluctuations in mobile for countries across the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Then we put it all in an interactive experience. Simply select a world region, then choose a country to dive into the data.

Check out some of the highlights below, and scroll down to explore the full interactive map.


United States

Last year in the United States, sales spike across categories. Flowers and gifts were in huge demand, with an over 6x increase in sales (+503%). Sporting goods saw a big rise too (+482%), followed by Fashion/Luxury (+432) and Health/Beauty (+373%).


In 2018 in Brazil, mobile skyrocketed on Cyber Monday, with in-app sales increasing by +397% and traffic by 206%.


Inspired by Black Friday’s boost to other countries’ economies, Mexico introduced El Buen Fin in 2011. The nationwide shopping event happens over one weekend each November. Last year, in-app traffic was highest on the first day (+101%) and sales peaked on the last day (+142%) of El Buen Fin weekend.


United Kingdom

No doubt about it: Black Friday 2018 in United Kingdom was huge. Retail sales spiked (+332%) and so did traffic (+181%). The Sunday of that weekend also saw increases in sales (+139%) and traffic (+94%).


In France last year, overall Black Friday sales increased by 279% and traffic rose by 141% — and Sporting Goods were in high demand. The category saw the highest peak in sales (+350%), with spikes in Fashion/Luxury (+290%) and Health/Beauty (+231%) not far behind.


In Spain, day-of Black Friday sales soared (+401%) in 2018. In particular, sales of Fashion/Luxury goods took off, increasing by more than 5x the average in October (+471%).


Black Friday also had significant impact in Germany, where sales grew 156% and traffic rose by 82% last year. Sporting Goods were hot ticket items, peaking at +251% in sales compared to the month prior. Sales of Fashion/Luxury and Home Improvement items also spiked.

Asia Pacific


In Singapore, in-app sales and traffic doubled on several key dates in 2018: 10/10, Singles Day (11/11), Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. On Double 12 (12/12), mobile retail activity went through the roof, with huge increases in sales (+616%) and traffic (+405%).


Meanwhile Down Under, Australia experienced spikes in mobile activity, with in-app sales increasing by +129% and traffic by 60% on Black Friday last year.

For more on what to expect during peak shopping season in 2019, download our global holiday report or EMEA festive season report, and explore the interactive map below!

Michelle Pruett

As Global Head of Content at Criteo, Michelle leads a high-performing, multi-disciplinary team of marketers packaging insights, copy, design, and video into integrated campaigns. Her own writing has been featured in Entrepreneur, Business Insider, AdWeek, eMarketer, and more. Before joining the ...

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