How to Tech Out Your Smart Home: 3 Dos and Don’ts from CES 2018

In line with the theme, we asked ourselves: What new innovations are knocking on the doors of the next generations of smart homes?
Updated on November 16, 2018

All week, we’ve been covering the hottest tech trends at CES 2018, one of the largest tech shows in the world. The annual event takes place in Las Vegas and attracts nearly 200,000 attendees. Leading companies reveal, demo, and wow audiences with the cutting technologies that will be shaping the future.

Last year it was all about voice — voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s HomeKit, and Google Assistant. In 2018, the global tech industry will be taking smart devices to the next level. Smarter cars, smarter cities, and ultimately, smarter lives are all on deck. In line with the theme, we asked ourselves: What new innovations are knocking on the doors of the next generations of smart homes?

We attended the the Shelly Palmer Pre-Show Breakfast on January 9, where The Property Brothers, stars of their own hit HGTV show, spoke with Palmer about how to make the most of your smart home in 2018. Here were their top tips.

The Property Brothers at CES 2018

1. Don’t over complicate your home.

(The smartest devices are based on human intuition.)

The Property Brothers spoke about the importance of finding what works for your lifestyle and family. What would make things like doing the laundry easier — automation, solar? Do the things that make your life better. Don’t get hung up on the latest and greatest gadgets and gear.

Having access points throughout the house, prepping it for solar — homeowners don’t realize that their homes may have different problems to deal with (compared to what the brothers work on on TV). Looking at simple things too, like making sure you install your wall mounted TV properly so it doesn’t fall off (you’d be surprised how common this is) is key. There’s a fine balance between simple (human) touches and advanced (tech) solutions.

Home robots on display at CES 2018

2. Do renovate smart, without breaking the bank.

(Smart tech comes in all price points, so it’s OK to start small).

The Property Brothers spoke about how affordable it is today to make your home more functional and more livable. Your home is your biggest asset, so taking the time to understand what you need to do and know what’s outside of your scope is crucial. Furthermore, no matter your gender, don’t be afraid to throw on a tool belt. Today the women in the house are sometimes (er, often?) handier than guys.

And when it comes to equipping your smart home, smart choices are often easy ones. “If you can screw in a lightbulb you can screw in a smart bulb“.

Smart laundry solutions at CES 2018

3. Don’t rush the process, and be thoughtful.

(Smart devices are built to enhance a physical space. The emotional one is all yours.)

The Property Brothers discussed how the renovation process can sometimes get intense. People can be emotional, and have strong attachments to things. It can be hard to change, especially when there’s a history with a space, as with any home. But when people see the results and what the resale value is, it becomes easy.

Living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens — these are places where you lead your lives, with your families. There are quiet moments here and big ones too, so of course there’s a lot of meaning tied to those spaces. Change can be good, so long as you make choices that will make you happier (not more stressed out).

Smart home tech on display at CES 2018

Bonus insight!

What did the Property Brothers say was the biggest trend they were seeing?

“Right now, everyone wants every wall removed. They’re all exhibitionists.” Noted!

Michelle Pruett

As Global Head of Content at Criteo, Michelle leads a high-performing, multi-disciplinary team of marketers packaging insights, copy, design, and video into integrated campaigns. Her own writing has been featured in Entrepreneur, Business Insider, AdWeek, eMarketer, and more. Before joining the ...

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