The Definitive Guide to the Perfect Page

Clavis Insights developed an industry “cookbook” for brands. Criteo chimes in on how to drive traffic to product detail pages.
Updated on September 30, 2020

It’s a complex and often opaque science for brands to optimize the content that appears on their retail partners.  Factors like shopper reviews, pricing policies, product photography and descriptions all come into play.

Clavis Insights, which offers ecommerce analytics for product manufacturers, created a consortium of experts in the space to develop an industry “cookbook” for brands, and this couldn’t come at a more important time. Criteo has contributed a chapter on how brands can drive traffic to product detail pages.

“With Amazon launching more generics, having a very loose authorized reseller policy and pushing so aggressively into packaged goods sales, brands that might not have had to focus much on eommerce now need to develop new best practices for how their products appear online. Once they have that, they need to increase the visibility of those goods.” says John Roswech, EVP Brand Solutions at Criteo.

Want to get started?  Download the eBook to learn more!

“The Definitive Guide to the Perfect Page”  

Chapter 1:     eCommerce Content Creation by Content26

Chapter 2:     Take Control of your Product Experience by Salsify

Chapter 3:     Optimizing with Enhanced Content by WebCollage

Chapter 4:     The Role of Consumer-generated Content in Driving Consideration & Conversion by Bazaarvoice

Chapter 5:     Driving Traffic by Criteo

Chapter 6:     What is eCommerce Analytics? by Clavis Insight

Chapter 7:     Helping Firms Measure Online Performance & Optimize Cross-Channel Growth Capabilities by IRI

Criteo will be participating in a webinar on October 25th at 1PM EST as the consortium together presents a framework for brand success. Registration is available here.

Blaise Lucey

Blaise has helped Fortune 500s and start-ups build comprehensive content marketing strategies from the ground up. He loves figuring out how technology can tell better stories and foster relationships.

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