What You Need to Know About Cross-Device Commerce Around the World

Updated on September 16, 2020

Mobile is simply one part of a single, cross-device shopping experience that reflects a customer’s personal preferences. Shoppers expect brand interaction that’s individually tailored to them rather than to the device they happen to be using, regardless of the retail category or country they’re in. So how can you use this user-centric mindset to make your marketing strategies more compelling, personalized, and impactful? The first step is to understand global variations in cross-device habits.

Know your market

Our State of Cross-Device Commerce Report shows that the UK has now moved past Japan as the market that sees the biggest share of transactions via mobile. A number of other countries are close to achieving an equal sales mix between mobile and desktop; Australia, South Korea, and Taiwan all register more than 40% of retail transactions on mobile, showing how it’s transitioned from a supplementary to a primary shopping channel.

It’s no surprise that countries with the highest levels of smartphone ownership are ahead of the curve when it comes to cross-device commerce. But smartphone use is still growing in both developed and developing countries, so it’s only a matter of time before other markets catch up.

We see interesting differences when we look at mobile conversions. Japan steals the top spot from the UK, registering the highest rate of mobile conversion, while Germany, which ranks seventh in overall share of mobile purchases, comes in at third. So a market doesn’t have to have the very highest proportion of transactions on mobile to hold huge potential if you can tap into cross-device trends.

Here are two steps you can take to capitalize on cross-device commerce globally:

1. Keep channels of communication open between countries.

Executing a global strategy demands centralized objectives. But making cross-device commerce work on an international scale means understanding the nuances of consumer behavior in individual countries. It’s vital to encourage dialogue between your marketing and consumer experience teams across markets.

2. Put assumptions aside.

The ground rule for individual-centric strategies is to discard stereotypes and focus on building a picture of different shoppers’ purchase journeys. This may mean moving away from established methods of targeting shoppers, but as eCommerce evolves, so must your approach to targeting.

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