Meet the Team: Account Strategist Cesar Cocco

At Criteo we’re fortunate to have a diverse team of talent, filled with unique people who bring a range of rich experiences to their roles. Take Cesar Cocco, an ...
Updated on September 16, 2020

At Criteo we’re fortunate to have a diverse team of talent, filled with unique people who bring a range of rich experiences to their roles. Take Cesar Cocco, an Account Strategist originally from New York who now works in our Barcelona office. With a background in neuroscience and data collection, he’s able to leverage these skills to quickly pull, interpret, and tell stories with data while helping clients meet their goals.

We had a chance to sit down with Cesar to learn more about his role, his colleagues, and why he enjoys working for Criteo Barcelona. Here’s what he had to say.

How long have you been at Criteo?

Two years. I’m from New York originally where I was working for a Criteo competitor. I found out most of my clients were leaving us and going to Criteo. Intrigued, I researched more about Criteo and quickly realized that this was the type of company I wanted to build my career with.

It was always one of my dreams to move to Barcelona. My mother is from Spain and I had never been, so I felt like it was a perfect move.

Cesar Cocco Criteo Cesar Cocco Criteo

Interesting how that came full circle! Can you tell us about your role at Criteo?

I’m an Account Strategist in Barcelona for the UK team. In this role I manage approximately 100 clients, providing consultative feedback to optimize their Criteo retargeting campaigns, as well as helping overall with their strategy across all digital channels.

It’s a fast-paced role where multitasking is a key skill needed to succeed. At any given time I could be in various conversations with 30-40 of my clients. That could be 30-40 tags that need troubleshooting or coupons that need to be implemented. It could be really intensive conversations about attribution, the quality of impressions Criteo is serving, or helping them understand reporting metrics. So it’s a matter of simultaneously managing their business goals while also building and managing trust with the client.

How often do you interact with other Criteo departments?

I’m like the center of the spider web since typically none of the other departments are client-facing. Sometimes the sales reps will be interacting with clients, but they often first collaborate with me to see what the status of a conversation is, what’s the context on a client, etc.

I connect dots. It could be working with the tech team and ensuring we have what we need from the client to improve their campaigns, or providing the leadership team with valuable feedback about the clients we work with.

So you’re based out of Barcelona, but you work with clients from the UK?

Exactly. We have five stories in this beautiful beachfront property here in Barcelona and most of the bases for mid-market clients are here. It’s awesome because we’ll go to lunch and there’s someone from the French team, UK team, Polish team, etc. So everyone is very diverse in terms of regions and markets, and we can collaborate and share useful information by just having a lunch or drink together. It’s probably the most diverse environment I’ve ever worked in.

Cesar Cocco Criteo

Sounds amazing! What are some of your favorite things to do in Barcelona?

In Barcelona there is always a street fair or a block party, or some sort of celebration of life. Each neighborhood is vibrantly unique and I love to wander through the streets of Raval with my best friends, many of whom are fellow Criteos. I have a lot of visitors, and I enjoying showing off the city to my friends and family, and curating for them the uniqueness and charisma of Catalan culture. And last but certainly not least, the parks! Ciutadella, Guell, Montjuïc, each of which are breathtaking in their own way.

Also every day after work or even during lunch you can go to the beach and have a swim. It’s probably one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced in my career — to walk outside of my door and be carefree and on the beach in such a scenic environment.

Let’s have some fun learning a little more about you. Random fact?

I’m terrible with names, but I won’t forget your star sign (mine is Gemini!).

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.

I’ve performed brain surgery…on a mouse! As a psych undergrad, I worked in a lab studying the neurobiology of schizophrenia at Columbia University.

What book did you read last?

“The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by the Franco-Czech novelist, Milan Kundera.

What is your hidden talent?

It’s hidden for a reason!

Thanks, Cesar! Want to learn more about what it’s like to work at Criteo? Visit our LinkedIn Criteo Life page to explore our company, culture, and find your perfect opportunity.

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