[IDC REPORT] From Retargeter to Commerce Marketing Ecosystem

Criteo is proud to be a leader in Dynamic Retargeting. With the launch of Criteo Commerce Marketing Ecosystem, we’ve got our sights on more.
Updated on May 8, 2024

At Criteo, we’re proud to be a leader in Dynamic Retargeting, and with the recent launch of Criteo Commerce Marketing Ecosystem (CME), we’ve got our sights set on far more.

In a new IDC Link by Karsten Weide (@KarstenW), Program VP of Media & Entertainment at IDC, Weide advises both marketers and competitors to take note of our recent development, and we can’t help but agree.

In this IDC Link, Weide writes that Criteo is “well positioned for future growth for two reasons”:

  • “For one, clearly, the now largely separate advertising and marketing automation segments are set to merge around central data repositories in the coming years. The company is already present in both and will be able to benefit from that development.”
  • “Second, Criteo positions itself as commerce marketers’ Switzerland, enabling them to compete with the emerging new retail giants. Both brands and retailers are worried that the emergence of digital/offline retail giants such as Amazon/Whole Foods and Google/Walmart might sideline them.”

With the launch of two new products on October 10th, Criteo Customer Acquisition and Criteo Audience Match, we’re sure to take our customer’s commerce marketing results to the next level!

Blaise Lucey

Blaise has helped Fortune 500s and start-ups build comprehensive content marketing strategies from the ground up. He loves figuring out how technology can tell better stories and foster relationships.

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