How HP France Increased Revenue by 300% with Criteo Dynamic Retargeting

With revenue over $50 billion, HP France turned to Criteo Dynamic Retargeting to reengage shoppers, increase brand awareness and conversions.
Updated on March 21, 2024

When used strategically, dynamic retargeting can be a powerful tool that re-engages shoppers who have visited your site but bounced or abandoned a cart before completing a purchase.

As shoppers browse across devices and platforms after they leave your site, a strategic retargeting campaign can nudge them back towards products they’ve already shown interest in, especially if it’s displayed with a deal they won’t want to miss. That’s exactly how our client HP France found success using Criteo Dynamic Retargeting.

Founded in 1939 and now one of the recognized brands in the world, HP is the world’s leading provider of printing solutions and personal systems with revenue over $50 billion. Two years ago, looking for a solution that would increase both brand awareness and conversions, HP turned to Criteo.

Relevant, Real-Time Solutions  

Abraham Cohen Nahon, Digital Marketing Program Manager at HP France, sought a partner that would “drive qualified traffic to promote the brand and ensure the most effective conversion rates.”

Employing the digital levers of affiliate marketing, SEO, display and programmatic advertising and social networks, HP found Criteo Dynamic Retargeting to be the strongest solution.

By applying retargeting best practices, Criteo allowed HP to re-engage with shoppers throughout their path to purchase with tailored video and display ads. Shoppers who had visited the HP website were retargeted across devices and channels, and shown the most relevant ads featuring products they’d already viewed alongside customized offers based on their preferences, in real time.

A Dynamic Success Story

Over two years of using Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, HP France successfully created powerful synergies between each digital marketing lever and Criteo’s solutions. The company saw revenue increase 300% and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) doubled while costs remained controlled.

“I would certainly recommend Criteo’s products,” says Nahon, “I already did it internally.”

Following HP France’s success using Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, six other European HP offices have followed suit, and HP France is happily looking into other Criteo solutions to grow the business.

Check out our HP France success story and our Smart Marketer’s Guide to Retargeting below!

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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