Criteo at eTail East: DMN’s Podcast With VP Jaysen Gillespie

Updated on December 6, 2017

Earlier this week our very own Jaysen Gillespie, VP of Analytics, Insights, and Data Science at Criteo, gave a memorable presentation at eTail East in Boston. On Tuesday, DMN chatted with Jaysen in a podcast titled: “One on One at eTail East: Jaysen Gillespie of Criteo.” The 14-minute interview between Jaysen and DMN Editor-in-Chief, Kim Davis, touches on Jaysen’s eTail East presentation, the challenge marketers face for fully maximizing omnichannel marketing campaigns, and how Criteo’s Commerce Marketing Ecosystem is helping retailers compete against industry giants, specifically Amazon.

During the interview, Jaysen notes how the Commerce Marketing Ecosystem will help retailers pull customers from the Amazon ecosystem: “Where Amazon wins right now is the scale of the data, just the sheer volume. We think that a Commerce Marketing Ecosystem, like the one Criteo and some other companies are putting together, will allow other retailers to get that same scale – to get the same power of the marketing and same power of the user. We think that’s going to be necessary to compete.”

Jaysen also provides additional background on Criteo’s primary services, and some recent acquisitions that have enhanced the ability to work with both brands and e-tailers: “A client comes to us number one to drive sales. By in large that’s our bread and butter, we are a commerce marketing company. Recently we’ve had some acquisitions that are very interesting. We’ve purchased DataPop, which was a leader in performance search, and we’ve purchased HookLogic which was a leader in site search. So, that allowed us to broaden the approach from just being a partner for e-tailers to a partner for brands as well. So, whether you’re a brand or an e-tailer, we want to bring that unified view.”

Listen to the full podcast here.

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