The Future of Ecommerce: How SMBs Should Prepare For 2019

From new data protection laws to new marketing technologies, brands have had a lot of moving parts to keep up with this past year.
Updated on December 15, 2022

In 2018, we saw pivotal changes in the world of digital marketing. From new data protection laws put into place, to controversial law suits for data misuse to new marketing technologies taking the stage, brands have had a lot of moving parts to keep up with this past year.

Moving into 2019 we will see the influence 2018 has left on the world of digital marketing, creating lasting change for years to come. In this eBook you will discover insider tips from Criteo, Privy, Branch, and Adjust surrounding the top four trends including:  

Targeted Acquisition Campaigns   

All the data we collect means there is simply no reason to use a generic marketing message for a random audience. Show targeted users a compelling message at the right time and place to increase conversion and optimize your marketing budget spend.  

Using Customer Data for Their Benefit 

With privacy regulations such as GDPR and new lawsuits for data misuse, consumers are becoming more educated on data protection. In 2019, more of them will only provide access to their data if they know it’ll be used in a way that benefits them and improves their experience.  

Effective Marketing Means Personalization 

Today’s consumers expect ad experiences that are tailored to them, so generic marketing messages are no longer enough. Personalized product recommendation and discounts surprise and excite customers with a unique experience. 

Programmatic, AI, and the Future of Marketing

We’ve all been exposed to marketing technologies that help us complete our daily marketing tasks. What we’re starting to see more of in 2019 is the use of technology to streamline our marketing decisions, and to optimize our budgets and results. Technologies like programmatic and artificial intelligence (AI) are paving the way for more efficient, smarter marketing. 

Download The Future of Ecommerce today for data and insights that can help you win in 2019 and beyond! 

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