The Dollars in Donuts: eGrocery Trends and Predictions

Updated on September 28, 2020

eGrocery penetration is expected to grow dramatically in the next few years, driven by the ease and practicality of purchasing groceries with a few simple clicks rather than a weekly schlep to the local megamart. Our newest report shows that the old rules of grocery just don’t apply, and neither do assumptions about who’s shopping and what they’re searching for. So what’s a marketer to do?

  • Rethink promotions. With the decreased use of paper coupons and limited impulse buy “display space,” marketers must approach campaigns in an entirely new way.
  • Recreate brick-and-mortar’s guided traffic. The science of product positioning is less important as consumers direct the shopping process.
  • Reimagine the typical consumer. The primary shopper role is shifting as couples collaborate — or so they say.
  • Reconsider the role of brand loyalty. While many consumers stick with the tried and true, others are browsing extensively within a site.

Pondering how to sell your product to a pajama-clad parent or professional? Read the full report here.

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