How to Build a Data Centric Business

Netflix. Spotify. Facebook. Google. These companies may have different business models, but each model is fueled by the same thing: data. Data centric businesses ...
Updated on September 29, 2020

Netflix. Spotify. Facebook. Google.

These companies may have different business models, but each model is fueled by the same thing: data. And lots of it. We’ve entered the age of hyper-personalization, where users don’t even notice irrelevant ads and marketers strive to target people on a one-to-one basis.

A transformation into a data centric business starts from within. In a survey conducted by Winterberry Group, just 12.3% of marketers said they were confident in their data strategy. That’s actually down from 2016, when 28.6% of marketers said that their data strategies generated results.

So how do you actually create a business that isn’t just data-first but data-centric?

In the first of our webinar series, “The Data Centric Revolution,” Jonathan Marguiles, managing director at Winterberry Group, will take us through the research firsthand and address the challenges facing marketers today. From there, Gilles Giudicelli, head of research at Criteo, will discuss data-first companies and the strategies you need to build a data-centric model.

Register today for the webinar on Thursday, May 3 @ 11am EST to learn:

  • The challenges facing marketers in creating a data centric business
  • Examples of data-centric companies
  • The tactics & strategies to putting data at the center of your team 
Blaise Lucey

Blaise has helped Fortune 500s and start-ups build comprehensive content marketing strategies from the ground up. He loves figuring out how technology can tell better stories and foster relationships.

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