How Criteo’s Technology Helps You Re-Engage Lapsed Shoppers

With Criteo Audience Match, you can target and re-engage your customers across social networks, web, mobile web, and apps.
Updated on March 6, 2023

As a marketer, you’re probably taking a few different approaches to identify a target audience and present a message that re-engages them and brings them back to your site. For example, targeting audiences on social networks or relying on email campaigns to re-engage. But there’s a challenge with these approaches.

First of all, how do you ensure that you are reaching that target audience? Can you connect with them on each device? Every channel? And how do they prefer to engage with you? How do you ensure that the messages and creative resonate with your audience?

With Criteo Audience Match, you can target and re-engage your customers across social networks, web, mobile web, and apps. By tapping into our network of thousands of publishers, you can create personalized messages for each shopper’s interests.

Here’s how:

Find more lapsed shoppers with the Criteo Shopper Graph

You’ve heard about gardens of walled data, where your data goes in, but doesn’t come out. With Criteo, it’s just the opposite. The Criteo Shopper Graph is the world’s largest open shopper data set. It measures identity, interest, and measurement and presents a unified understanding of a shopper’s online journey with real-time intent data.

Criteo Audience Match leverages the full capabilities of the Shopper Graph’s Identity Graph. The Identity Graph contains over 2B global cross-device IDs and has over 10,000 participating clients.

Deliver personalized ads with DCO+ to drive engaged traffic to your website 

Finding your customers is just the first step. Delivering compelling messaging and convincing those customers to convert is the key to achieving your objectives.

Criteo Audience Match uses machine learning to leverage behavioral data from 1.2B+ active internet shoppers.

As part of Criteo’s engine, DCO+ helps your campaign generate visually stunning ads with the highest levels of one-to-one creative personalization, all the while maintaining ad formats and brand consistency.

Drive sales against your marketing objectives

While other tech partners might place the same value on all of your audiences, we understand that in order to meet your unique business objectives you need a partner and a technology that values your CRM audiences based on their propensity to convert. This means a solution that can be optimized for a variety of use cases, from seasonal promotions to bringing your offline shoppers online.

Want to learn more? Check out a Criteo Audience Match Success Story

With Criteo Audience Match, La Redoute identified and served paid display ads to 70% of their CRM audience, which resulted in a 50% increase in campaign sales.

Having the right re-engagement tools in your arsenal is key to winning back past shoppers and keeping your brand and products top of mind. With the benefits of Criteo Audience Match, you won’t be limited to just one use case or waste money targeting all your diverse shoppers with blanket campaigns.

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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