Criteo Wins Silver Medal in AppsFlyer Performance Index!

To make sure you stand out in the crowded landscape of digital marketing, you need a partner who can drive both efficiency and scale. Criteo is proud to announce ...
Updated on March 20, 2024

To make sure you stand out in the crowded landscape of digital marketing, you need a partner who can drive both efficiency and scale. Criteo is proud to announce that we’ve won a silver medal in AppsFlyer’s 2018 Performance Index awards precisely because we deliver on both.

An industry-standard, the AppsFlyer Performance Index ranks “the best media sources in mobile advertising since 2015” and launched for the third time at the Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona. The index offers app marketers a comprehensive report card on the performance of media sources from the second half of 2017 across eight global regions, and for the first time, is including an Industry-First Retargeting Index.

(Learn more: How to Choose the Right Retargeting Partner)

According to AppsFlyer methodology, “the shift from user acquisition to app engagement has led marketers to significantly increase their investment in retargeting,” now a central component of many marketer’s re-engagement strategy. In fact, the AppsFlyer Index reports, they’ve seen “the number of retargeting conversions triple year-over-year” and it’s our pride to say that Criteo, along with Facebook, are commanding “the lion’s share” when it comes to app retargeting.

Criteo APpsFlyer Performance Index
Source: AppsFlyer Performance Index Rankings

According to AppsFlyer, ”Criteo “has adapted extremely well to the mobile era with significant in-app inventory scale.” We’ve taken silver in both AppsFlyer’s Power Ranking and Volume Ranking indexes, and are looking forward to expanding our reach for years to come.

(Learn more: Head to Head Testing Best Practices: How to Choose the Right Retargeting Partner to Maximize Your Investment)

Thanks to AppsFlyer and all our partners for choosing Criteo. Learn more about our app retargeting technology and  see the full list of AppsFlyer Rankings here.

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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