Criteo Autumn Release Updates

Check out Criteo's latest product updates. Optimize your advertising and encourage new customers to your site before the peak season.
Updated on March 6, 2023

The holiday season and end-of-year countdown are always significant for marketers. In this unprecedented year, there has been an accelerated shift to ecommerce, with global revenue from ecommerce up by 71% year-over-year in Q2.

As more of the decision-making journey occurs online this year, you need to reach audiences early on before they start making their purchases elsewhere.

We’re here for your marketing needs this holiday season. The latest Criteo features can help you connect to high-value audiences in meaningful ways at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

Check out our latest updates to go up the funnel and encourage new customers to your site before the peak season.

Tools for reaching new, hyper-relevant audiences

Acquire new customers more efficiently with Audience Insights reports

Reaching the right audience is crucial to making your ad campaigns impactful.

Our Audience Insights reports allow you to discover your customers’ shopping preferences and help you understand which audience segments you can target in future customer acquisition campaigns, and then assess their relative performance so you can refine your audience strategy.

These Audience Insights reports are built on Criteo’s dataset pulled from the online shopping patterns from over 2.5B+ anonymized online users who are actively navigating the web. This ensures you can target your ideal audiences based on their product interests, brand affinities, and purchasing power.

Both reports are now available within the Analytics section of Management Center.

Audience Explorer:

The Audience Explorer dashboard provides insights into Criteo’s exclusive dataset. This dashboard allows you to uncover the recurring shopping patterns and brand affinity of your existing customers related to Criteo-powered audiences.

audience explorer Criteo

After selecting from existing website visitors or a contact list from your CRM, CDP, or DMP, you can see which categories and brands they are most interested in.

Use this report to understand which audience segments provided by Criteo have the highest affinity with your business and should be targeted in future acquisition campaigns using Criteo Commerce Audiences.

Audience Performance:

The Audience Performance report allows you to understand the performance of each audience segment that has been targeted in your acquisition campaign.

This report allows you to compare the size, reach, and exposure of your segment chosen from Criteo’s Commerce Audiences, alongside insights into their purchasing power and whether they prefer to buy female or male-oriented items.

These insights will allow you to optimize your campaign in real-time, or tailor your target audiences for your future campaigns.

Audience Performance Criteo

You can find out more about Criteo’s Audience Module here to help you build enriched customer profiles that can be activated across the entire customer journey.

A full view of your customer’s journey

We know how important it is to have the full picture of your audience’s customer journey, starting from where they first engage with you. You need the right data and insights, so that you can optimize each experience to drive impactful marketing results.

Our new Shopper Journey dashboard gives you a full-funnel view into the behavior of users who were exposed to your campaigns.

Shopper Journey Dashboard

You can see how users interacted with you across the shopper journey: exposed users → visits → adds to cart → purchases.

This dashboard illustrates progress through each step of the funnel and the potential impact that different tactics may have on your marketing strategy.

Tools for growing your business

More control into your budget

We know how important it is to manage each ad dollar. You can now use the Criteo platform to specify additional options for daily budgets. You can select from “Standard Weekly”, “Standard Extended”, “Standard Monthly”, and “Accelerated” options.

Criteo daily budget options

These options will allow you greater flexibility over how much you spend, while still benefitting from Criteo’s daily budget model. Daily budget models mean that on the days when there are more opportunities for your ads, Criteo will spend a little more, so you don’t miss out on those valuable moments.

Learn more here.

Coming soon: The Criteo API

We’re giving our API a new home. Stay tuned for an announcement to access our Developer Portal and our new, superpowered API.

Criteo API

If you’ve been using Management Center, you can leverage the API’s controls to customize your Criteo experience, such as slicing and dicing your campaign data for deeper insights.

The new Developer Portal has everything you need to connect, build, and launch your integrations. Watch this space and be one of the first to access the API and our new capabilities, or reach out to your Criteo contact for early access.

Prepare for the holiday rush

As we wrap up the year, we’re looking forward to bringing you more strategic support in how you plan and execute campaigns, from reaching new audiences to driving customer loyalty. Check out our recent evaluation in the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant report to learn more about what we’ve been up to in 2020.

For more holiday insights, you can explore the Criteo Seasonal Sales Dashboard, based on 2 billion transactions and 5,000 retailers from 35 countries, to decipher the holiday trends from last year.

Log into Management Center to check out the latest updates.

Gabriele Dane

Gabriele is a product marketing manager focused on celebrating Criteo’s customers and their successes. Her work has been featured in Nieman Lab, Quartz, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Money, and Mashable. She enjoys geeking out over digital trends, data science, and well-placed Oxford commas.

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