Criteo Winter Release Updates: Custom Audiences, Adaptive Ads, Inventory Targeting & More

Our latest product updates focus on helping you build impactful, trustworthy ad experiences and drive lasting relationships with customers. 
Updated on January 21, 2021

As 2020 wraps up, we’re looking back on a year like no other. Longterm trends accelerated faster than ever expected and we saw years of ecommerce growth happen in a matter of months.   

This rapid ecommerce growth is likely to continue. Purchases from new or low-frequency online shoppers are expected to increase by 169%according to an Accenture study. Meanwhile, 60% of consumers around the world have changed their shopping behavior in 2020, many for convenience or value.  

But as ecommerce demand accelerates, identity challenges are making it harder for marketers to know their customers. Advertisers need meaningful commerce data to help build lasting relationships with their customers. 

That’s why our latest product updates focus on helping you build impactful, trustworthy ad experiences. Read on for what’s new. 

Build Your Ideal Target Audience

Our new Custom Audiences feature lets you merge your own data with Criteo’s commerce intelligence. This offers powerful visibility and control over who sees your ads.

Criteo Custom Audiences

You can fine-tune audience sets, test, and learn which combinations result in the best performance, and pinpoint your ideal customers.

Get started by creating a campaign with the objective “Website Traffic.” Then choose “Custom Audiences.” Custom Audiences are currently available in beta in the US, UK, and Australia.

Create Adaptive Ads—No Product Catalog Required

Criteo’s new Adaptive Ads help you expand your campaign reach without draining creative resources. These new creative assets automatically resize to fit any publisher ad space, using just a few brand assets that you supply. No product catalog required!

Criteo Adaptive Ads

“The responsive nature is extremely engaging for our prospecting campaign, better than static ads,” says Yasmina Belhadi, Head of Digital for SFM and Design Institute. “I love the fact we highlight our expertise combining visuals and text through a slideshow-like preview, while maintaining our branded look across sizes.”

These ads learn from their own performance over time. Criteo’s algorithms prioritize the most effective ads in order to optimize your results. You can also manually experiment with adaptive and static ad variations to compare how each performs. Optimize for clicks or rotate your ads evenly according to your needs.

If you’re interested, reach out to your Criteo contact to get started. Check out the Criteo Ad Format Gallery for more inspiration.

Optimize Delivery Strategies

You can now optimize how ads are delivered to consumers by choosing the best delivery strategy for your campaign goals. These new delivery strategies can help you experiment with sequential messaging and storytelling.

  sequential ads delivery strategies

They can also reduce potential ad fatigue, where customers would otherwise see the same ads repeatedly.

Leverage Inventory and Brand Safety Controls

Providing a trustworthy and brand-safe ad experience is a top goal at Criteo. With new targeting controls now available in Management Center, you can ensure your ads appear in the brand-safe environments that fit your needs.

Criteo’s brand safety controls and contextual targeting categories allow you to specify delivery preferences across devices, locations, and 170+ topics. Our contextual targeting capabilities are powered by Oracle Data Cloud’s Contextual Intelligence.

We’ve also enhanced our brand safety controls. By default, Criteo applies brand safety protection to all your campaigns. If you’re looking for even more control, select “strict mode” for the relevant categories. You can also include or exclude specific websites and apps.

brand safety Criteo

These controls are available in beta in the US, UK, and Australia.

Access Your Client Attribution

If you share your own attribution with Criteo, now you can access it in an easier way. In the Analytics module, you can select “client attribution” to view all attributed-based metrics with your own model. The 30 days post-click attribution is now available separately under “30 days click.”

This will help you to more easily assess the performance of your ads against your own attribution models.

Control More of Your Campaigns

One of Criteo’s top priorities is to help you fine-tune and scale your advertising. In Management Center, this means continuously improving campaign creation and management.

Advertising will have a fresh, intuitive structure across campaigns, ad sets, and ads. Campaigns will now be centered around an objective, while ad sets will contain different settings for audiences, budgets, and more. This new structure will make it easier for you to configure your media plans more easily within the Criteo interface.

For increased campaign control, we now support product catalog management from multiple feeds. We’ve also added new user roles to make team administration more robust than ever.

Check out the latest updates in Management Center.

Looking Ahead

As we enter 2021, we’ll continue to help you advertise with impact and efficiency to turn your next customers into loyal customers.

We are committed to driving value across the advertising ecosystem—for publishers, for advertisers, and for the consumers who want to better understand and control their advertising experience.

We’ll be back with more updates in Q1!

Gabriele Dane

Gabriele is a product marketing manager focused on celebrating Criteo’s customers and their successes. Her work has been featured in Nieman Lab, Quartz, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Money, and Mashable. She enjoys geeking out over digital trends, data science, and well-placed Oxford commas.

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