The Criteo Holiday Halftime Report: Top Gifts, Sales Numbers, and More

Black Friday and Cyber Monday may have surpassed all sales records, but wherever you look, it’s beginning to look a lot like omnishopping.
Updated on September 16, 2020

We’re midway through the holiday season and already we’re seeing that Holiday 2017 is a major turning point for global retailers. Black Friday and Cyber Monday may have surpassed all sales records, but the bigger story is this: wherever you look, it’s beginning to look a lot like… omnishopping.

Criteo shopper data, which represents billions of product searches and millions of completed transactions on retail sites, shows that shoppers are making no distinction between channels or devices. And the retailers that adapt are the ones seeing a lot of success this holiday season.

The data speaks for itself – US retailers overall are seeing double-digit increases in revenues, indicating a healthy, post-election economy where shoppers feel confident.

In fact, US shoppers are starting their holiday shopping earlier, with the biggest growth in shopping happening this year in early November, when major retailers triggered sales earlier than previous years.

Thanksgiving saw the biggest cart sizes of the season and boasted the highest percent of mobile transactions. Mobile commerce has been growing steadily around the world, with usage reaching especially high on the weekends.

Download the full Holiday Halftime Report below. We surveyed nearly 10,000 shoppers globally in 2017 to understand how the world shops today. Discover why omnishopping is a global movement and learn:

  • When the holiday shopping season really starts
  • How much shoppers spend and on what devices
  • What time of day they buy
  • The breakout holiday gifts shoppers look for this season
  • The global rise of Black Friday and which countries are seeing the strongest sales

Criteo's 2017 Holiday Ecommerce Data Report

Betty Ho

Originally from Orange County, CA, Betty moved to New York in 2013 for a two-year creative writing program and never left. When not writing for Criteo Insights she can be found at a handful of $1 Oyster Happy Hours in Manhattan. She loves dogs but doesn’t have one.

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