At Criteo, Future Leaders FLOW Together

Criteo FLOW aims for members to support one another to achieve their goals within a nurturing environment - and to empower Criteo women.
Updated on September 16, 2020

With women making up nearly half of the workforce yet holding just 25% of executive, senior-level, and management roles across S&P 500 companies, it’s clear there’s work to do to increase gender diversity and level the playing field. At Criteo, Emily Sinsheimer and Dhoreena Ventura recognized that change starts from within, so why not begin with the Criteo community?

Tuesday, October 3, marked the inaugural meeting of Criteo FLOW (Future Leaders of the World), an initiative dedicated to building, supporting, and inspiring leadership at Criteo.

“By nurturing the most diverse and skilled leadership pool possible, we’ll ensure that Criteo continues to offer our clients the most relevant and innovative tools for their commerce needs,” says Ventura. “It will benefit our employees, their career satisfaction, our company’s future, and the service we provide our clients.”

Building a Supportive Network

Criteo FLOW aims for members to inspire and support one another to achieve their goals within a safe and nurturing environment – and to empower Criteo women by providing:

  • A comfortable space for employees to reflect honestly
  • Regular sessions and discussion groups that get employees out of their comfort zones and into challenging territory
  • A solid pipeline of leaders for the future
  • Access to critical feedback and training opportunities

FLOW will hold monthly or quarterly meetings and provide content to help Criteo professionals build strong leadership toolkits. So stay tuned for more updates as we host more awesome FLOW sessions!

Blaise Lucey

Blaise has helped Fortune 500s and start-ups build comprehensive content marketing strategies from the ground up. He loves figuring out how technology can tell better stories and foster relationships.

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