Criteo Fall Release Updates: Increased Control, New Audiences, and More  

Today, we’re thrilled to announce Criteo’s Fall 2019 product updates are available to customers globally. Here's a snapshot of the latest.
Updated on December 15, 2022

Today, were thrilled to announce Criteo’s Fall 2019 product updates are available to customers globally! 

This release includes dozens of new features and capabilities for Criteo Marketing Solutions and Criteo for Publishers, which will help you gain more control over your advertising campaign management, access improved measurement and attribution tools, and get more transparency into the way our audiences and technology work. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been rolled out. 

New for Brands, Agencies, and Retailers  

New Audiences: Engage Users in Moments of High Intent 

Criteo Marketing Solutions now allows you to find and engage with new audiences in moments of high intent and bring them to your website. 

Criteo’s first-party, real-time intent data is collected from billions of customer journeys as they research, browse, and visit different products and services across the Internet. This data is now available to you through a list of 140+ in-market audiences, or through AI Lookalike to find similar audiences that resemble your most engaged users.  

New Optimization Model & Creatives: Drive More Website Visits 

Alongside these targeting options is a new optimization model, which uses predictive machine learning to put your display ads in front of new audiences that have the highest potential to engage and visit your website.  

Our array of creative formats intelligently blends your brand’s image or video while promoting dynamic, personalized product recommendations to help spike interest in these new users who are actively researching different brands.  

These features are all available in BETA in select countries including US, Brazil, UK, France, Italy, Benelux, Germany, Japan, South Korea & Australia. 

Reach out to your Account Strategist or log into Criteo Management Center for access. 

New for Small to MidSize eCommerce Businesses

Easier Workflows 

Clients that are using Management Center to manage their advertising efforts can now use new features that will improve efficiency, ad management workflow, and ability to measure Criteo ad performance.  

These features include an improved self-service campaign creation workflow that can be completed in three simple steps: Choose your audience targeting, choose your ad format, and set your budget and bid strategy to achieve your marketing objectives.   

New Creative Tool: Launch Ads in Just a Few Clicks 

To expand on our ad format options, we’re offering a new creative tool that can allow you to launch new dynamic product, coupon, or image-based ads, with a customized logo, colors, and call-to-action, in just a few clicks. First-time advertisers or marketers looking to quickly run a campaign for a current promotion will especially appreciate the flexibility of these customization options.  

Advertisers can now benefit from new optimization models that enable you to automatically maximize performance and ensure your CPCs are optimized in real time so you can hit your targets. You can choose from an optimization based on Cost of Sale (Adaptive Revenue Optimization), or Cost per Order (Adaptive Conversion Optimization). 

Improved Analytics Dashboard 

We’re excited to release an improved Analytics Dashboard that features a more robust workflow that will bring a simpler metric selection, date selection, filters, and time zones 

The new Analytics Dashboard will help you analyze your campaigns more quickly, and view performance that is most relevant to your decision-making. 

To start leveraging these new features, log into Criteo Management Center. 

New for Publishers 

Publisher Management Center  

Criteo is focused on expanding the ways we bring insights and value to our publishers. That’s why we are so excited to announce that Publisher Management Center is now globally available. Publishers can manage their inventory with Criteo while leveraging insights to see how their premium Supply is connected to our premium Demand.  

These features provide publishers with more control and a smoother workflow. Publishers benefit from granular reporting dashboards, API access, data insights, and self-invoicing.  

Direct Bidder for App 

In addition to bringing insights to publishers, Criteo maximizes revenue for publishers through our direct integrations. Criteo has historically done this with Direct Bidder for Web as well as support for Accelerated Mobile Pages, and has now introduced Direct Bidder for App.  

With Criteo Direct Bidder for App, we create a more efficient and transparent supply chain, so publishers can have more control over their app inventory and earn more from each impression via a lightweight, direct integration.  

Get in touch with your Criteo Publisher Partnerships Manager to get started.

The advertising platform for the open Internet  

Criteo’s technology stack is rapidly expanding to offer more options to brands, retailers and publishers to grow their revenue across the entire customer journey. As the leading advertising platform for the open Internet, we want to ensure that our clients are empowered to create the best ad experiences for their customers and users.  

Stay tuned for the next quarterly update for even more exciting news!

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