Learning from Industry Peers: Criteo Benelux Exec Connect June 2018

As part of our EMEA wide Exec Connect series, last week Pepijn Breijder, Managing Director Benelux & Nordics at Criteo, welcomed senior decision makers across ...
Updated on December 15, 2022

As part of our EMEA wide Exec Connect series, last week Pepijn Breijder, Managing Director Benelux & Nordics at Criteo, welcomed senior decision makers across retailers, brands, travel companies, and publishers from our Benelux network to Criteo Benelux Exec Connect in Amsterdam on 21st June.

Guests joined us for an evening of networking, knowledge sharing, and debate during an exquisite dining experience in the newly remodeled restaurant and former town hall, ARC by LUTE. We heard from Dutch trend watcher and futurist Richard van Hooijdank and looked at how technology has changed the world, and the company of the future.

Learning from Industry Peers: Criteo Benelux Exec Connect June 2018

Here are three things we learned:

  • While it’s no secret that data-led organisations are the future, it’s important to remember this: Your company’s people and understanding of how to use data is crucial.
  • For Generation Z, technology and the physical world go hand-in-hand. As businesses, we need to deliver a seamless experience in both realms.
  • Self-driving cars are only the start! We can expect big advances in AI and machine learning in the not-so-distant future. This will include major leaps in medicine, convenience, and shopping. We need to start preparing for this next industry change.

Learning from Industry Peers: Criteo Benelux Exec Connect June 2018

The event was an important opportunity for guests to discuss ideas on how to thrive in the new world of the shopper, including taking a closer look at how our own expectations as shoppers have changed and what that means for us as companies.

Learning from Industry Peers: Criteo Benelux Exec Connect June 2018

To find out about an Exec Connect event near you, send a note to northerneurope@criteo.com.

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