Click Frenzy Mayhem 2020 Preview: Key Takeaways for Marketers

We crunched our data to identify these key trends and takeaways to help you make the most of Click Frenzy Mayhem 2020.
Updated on September 29, 2020

Since its debut in 2012, the Click Frenzy Mayhem sales event has grown into what their website says is “Australia’s iconic online shopping event”. In 2019 alone, more than 1 million visitors flocked to the site looking for unheard of bargains, like $12 iPhones and 99% off deals.

Our recent coronavirus consumer trends survey surveyed more than 1,000 Australian consumers and found that 50% of Australian consumers say they’ll purchase more online because of the impact of coronavirus on stores. That means Click Frenzy Mayhem is an opportunity for omnichannel retailers to recoup some of their lost in-store sales, and for all to win new online customers.

The massive sales event kicks off this year at 7 pm AEST on May 19th. Which means retailers have less than 40 days to get their marketing strategies in order and ad campaigns live.

To help you plan, we analyzed daily traffic and sales from 425 top retailers, including more than 37 million transactions, from April to May of 2019. Here are some of the key trends and takeaways to help you make the most of Click Frenzy Mayhem 2020:

Day 1 Sees the Most Traffic 

Click Frenzy Mayhem spans two days. Our data showed a 60% increase in sales and a +35% increase in traffic on day one, and a 58% increase in sales but only a +20% increase in traffic on day two.

Takeaway: The first day is when consumers research the most, so make sure you’re building a buzz leading up to the event to capitalize on that initial interest and fostering conversions by advertising targeted discounts.

Daily indexed traffic and sales for retail in Australia

Conversion Rates are Clues to the Journey

Our data showed that conversion rates increased overall across retail categories, but the increases varied by day and by category.

In the Fashion and Luxury category, conversion rates were highest at the end of Click Frenzy Mayhem. Rates increased +18% on day one and were up +31% on day two.

Health and Beauty saw a different pattern, with conversion rates higher on day one, at +36%, and down to +23% on the second day.

Takeaway: This tells us that, depending on the category, consumers may do some research before committing to a purchase. Make sure your campaign adapts to their journey to influence their research, and then drive them to conversion.

Daily indexed conversion rate in Australia

Top Tips for Click Frenzy Mayhem Marketers

Keep the above trends and takeaways in mind as you plan your Click Frenzy Mayhem marketing campaigns, as well as the following:

  • Start planning now and aim to launch campaigns at least one to two weeks before Click Frenzy Mayhem begins.
  • Keep campaigns running strong throughout to capitalize on rising conversion rates as the event winds down.
  • Allocate budget based on top performing retail and product categories.

Find out which product categories saw the most growth, and other Click Frenzy Mayhem trends in the Click Frenzy Mayhem Preview 2020 report

Ann Pyle

Ann revels in finding the simplest and clearest way to convey a thought. Her favorite word is 'moxie', which she tries to embody whenever possible. She's been developing content strategies and writing for the tech and B2B space for more than a decade. This, along with her SEO and advertising agency ...

Senior Manager Global Content

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