Building a Strong Privacy Fortress

Updated on May 21, 2018

Here at Criteo, we like precision. We like carefully considered calculations. We like plans. We are, after all, a company started by engineers. We know that excellence doesn’t happen accidentally, but by design — especially on the scale we work with.

Criteo’s massive reach encompasses over 14,000 advertisers and upwards of 1.2 billion global internet users. That’s a lot of people exposed to Criteo ads and a lot of data to keep secure. We’re not building a backyard fence here, we’re building a high-walled castle. With a moat. And alligators.

Our product teams develop every feature with privacy in mind; it’s the cornerstone of Privacy by Design, our sophisticated approach that ensures an industry-leading level of safety for marketers and consumers alike. What does it take to build this fortress of security? Four key concepts:

    • Power of information. Our privacy standards are remarkably rigorous; we know that the more a consumer understands what we do, the more confident she will feel. With just a few clicks, consumers can see exactly how and where Criteo is working and how we’re protecting privacy.
    • User Choices. We hope that our methods enhance a consumer’s shopping experience, but we know sometimes they’d rather opt-out. We make it easy for consumers to immediately do just that across all linked browsers with a single click.
    • Security & Access. Data is always securely collected and retained using state-of-the-art encryption technologies. Consumer data is important to us, and you don’t put the crown jewels in the courtyard.
    • Privacy Counsel. This team of savvy privacy experts is constantly assessing risks, providing company-wide privacy training, and helping us build even better products. They’re kind of our knights in shining armor. They ensure that privacy is more than an afterthought — it’s an organizational keystone.

“We continually innovate to safeguard privacy and security, providing customers with efficient tools to control their online experience.”

—Estelle Werth, Criteo Global Privacy Officer and Board Secretary of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI)

Still curious about how Criteo is using these four foundational concepts to build the personalized but protected shopping experience consumers crave? Click here to read our privacy policy, written in easy-to-understand copy for, you know, humans.

3-Part Privacy by Design Series:

Privacy by Design: A Fundamental and Innovative Approach to Privacy [Part 1]

Why Privacy Matters Now More Than Ever [Part 2]

Building a Strong Privacy Fortress [Part 3]

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