IDC: New CEO, New Criteo

Updated on December 15, 2022

In this analysis, veteran industry analyst Karsten Weide, Program VP, Media and Entertainment at IDC (@KarstenW), provides a glimpse of Criteo’s new direction under CEO Megan Clarken:  New CEO, New Criteo (13th February 2020, #lcUS46022920).

Following a recent Criteo Analyst Day, Mr. Weide details how the company is reacting to market changes by helping marketers address consumer in the earlier stages of the purchase funnel and across diverse channels such as in-app and connected TV (CTV).

He concludes:

Clarken presented herself as a competent leader with the ability to see Criteo through its transition to a more diversified product portfolio. A more‐than‐$400‐million war chest in cash may come in handy to buy promising technology companies that are a good fit with the company’s strategy and time to market.

Click below to download the full IDC Link, courtesy of Criteo. This research commentary has been independently authored by IDC and may differ from Criteo’s official position.


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