[Podcast] How to Win at Toys and Games Marketing

Updated on December 15, 2022

In this episode of AdTalk: Off Season Success, we go beyond the fun of receiving toys and talk in-depth about the marketing that gets toys and games into customers’ hands.

We’re joined by three incredible marketing leaders, from mid-size collectible retailers to local toy shops, and hear about how they’re working to crack the toys and games market.

Pierre Viala of Eaglemoss kickstarts the conversation on how their biggest challenge has been trying to create their own seasonality. Then, we hear from Alberto Mangiantini of Firebox and how they’re working towards becoming less seasonal, acknowledging that “more than 60% of their revenue comes in after October.”

Finally, Clair Letton, the owner and proprietor of WigWam Toys, shares that their approach to defeating seasonality “is about building a sense of urgency in the customer. It’s about letting people know that stock is constantly changing, so if you don’t see something this week, check back next week because you might find something then. Ultimately, if you see it now, get it now.”

The toy industry is one of the most seasonally driven around the world — which is why it’s worth listening to marketers who have found ways to overcome that seasonality. If they can do it with their businesses, it’s possible with yours as well.

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