[Podcast] Elica’s Top Strategies for Home Goods Marketers

Updated on December 15, 2022

In this episode of AdTalk: Off Season Success, we explore the world of home goods retail.

Our interview is with Piero Pracchi, Chief Marketing Officer at Elica, a leading brand of kitchen hoods. You may not think about them often, but these hoods — the appliance that sits above your stove-top, keeping smoke and steam from reaching the rest of your kitchen — are at the center of a competitive market.

Pracchi shares some of the marketing strategies they employ, including event-based and customer marketing, using influencers to drive purchases, and more. And, as Pracchi explains, that’s all working inside of a business that sells 60% of its wares in the last four months of the year.

The kitchen appliance market isn’t an industry that many of us are familiar with, but as marketers it may be worth our time to examine it a bit more closely.

Register now to listen to the first episode of AdTak: Off-Season Success, and subscribe to our marketing communications to access the rest of the series.

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