3 Key Takeaways From Our Shopify Webinar

If you couldn’t make it to our Shopify webinar, no worries because we've got you covered with this recap of all the key points.
Updated on December 15, 2022

First, a huge thank you to everyone who tuned into our Shopify + Criteo Webinar. If you couldn’t make it, no worries because we’ve got you covered with this recap of all the key points touched upon throughout the webinar.

Our own Criteo Platinum Client Partner Shoba Nikam and Shopify Plus Editor in Chief Aaron Orendorff led the webinar on advertising best practices and trends for eCommerce. Here are our favorite highlights to help you kick off Q4 with a killer digital marketing strategy:

1. Retargeting Can Help Marketers Break Through the Current Digital Marketing Landscape

Shopify Webinar

Shoba started off with the surprising fact that 96% of website visitors leave the site without making a purchase. That’s a whopping amount of visitors, but retargeting can help you bring those shoppers back while also providing a deeper understanding of site visitors. How?

Retargeting puts exactly what your shoppers were looking for in front of them with personalized ads, so shoppers are 4-6 times more likely to click right back to your site. By gathering data on their natural shopping behaviors, Criteo Dynamic Retargeting understands your site’s visitors in the most effective and efficient way.

2. For Marketers Across the US, Rising Ad Spend is the #1 Concern

What can you do about rising ad spend? Criteo + Shopify Provided Their Best Tips:

Shopify’s #1 Tip: “Optimize your AOV from the jump,” says Shopify’s Orendorff. 100% Pure used a genius technique during the holiday season that required the shopper to spend a certain amount of money on site to unlock the ability to make the purchase and gain the discount. Shopify says make average order value your priority with these crafty ways to raise it.

Criteo’s #1 Tip: Running retargeting with Criteo gives you access to product recommendations, which drives AOV by providing recommendations of products similar to what the shopper is looking for. These add-on items can significantly increase your AOV

3. Emphasize Acquisition to Prepare for the Holidays

People buy more during the holiday season but the ability to capitalize on that increase in shoppers is what sets companies apart. That’s where it’s important to focus on acquisition, acquisition, acquisition.

Enhance your retargeting efforts by building up your acquisition strategies in the months leading up to the holidays. By focusing on acquisition upfront, your retargeting efforts will be strengthened when the holiday purchasing blitz approaches. Criteo’s performance-based acquisition helps you discover new customers across a pool that covers 72% of the world’s online shoppers and target highly relevant shoppers using historic shopping and browsing events.

To watch the webinar now, click here.

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