13 Reasons Why Working at Criteo is Awesome

Updated on March 13, 2024

Here at Criteo, we’re big on culture. As a global company founded in France and a leader in commerce marketing, we believe in working hard, but we also believe that a little “je ne sais quoi” (or what makes coming to work and being part of an awesome team rewarding and fun) goes a long way. Check out our top-hit list of perks.

1. Yoga & Pilates.

We have a whole room dedicated to wellness where you can get your fitness on or just #chill. Child’s pose, downward dog, Savasana — you can even grab a shower after (yes, we have showers). Breathe in, breathe out, and meditate on “No Fear.” It’s a Criteo mantra that empowers everyone to act with confidence and strength, and it’s going to be a great day.

2. Massages.

Because getting those kinks worked out while listening to soothing music makes you way more productive, are we right?

3. Chill zone.

Ping pong, video games, bean bag chairs. There’s a Wii and an XBox, and even a hang-yourself-upside-down contraption if you’re into that kind of thing. How else are we going to keep our startup-culture-meets-tech-giant street cred?

4. Beverage selection.

Juices, sodas, teas, coconut water, cold brew on tap — however you like to fill ‘er up, we got you. Because hydration is so important.

5. Coffee, espresso, cappuccino, plus all the teas.

“Go, Go, Go” is a core value at Criteo, fueled by a collective will to get things done with enthusiasm and drive. Naturally, our love affair with caffeine, and being able to get it any which way we like it, knows no bounds.

Coffee Shop Cafeteria Restaurant Service Concept

6. Happy hours.

DJ’ed on our penthouse rooftop by our very own developers. These guys are awesome with the jams (and they also happen to write wicked good code). The incredible view doesn’t hurt either.

7. Bagel Fridays.

As if we’d let you go into the weekend without carb-loading. Pfft. We also bring in gluten-free varieties for those watching their wheat.

8. Birthday treats.

Because sweets to celebrate our employees’ special days (or even just a Tuesday) are never a bad thing.

9. Catered lunches.

Did we mention we like to eat around here? Noticing a #trend.

10. Onboarding swag.

Travel-themed because well, we go places. High-quality gear includes a North Face backpack, travel power adapter, and a selfie-stick for all those Kodak moments.

11. Diverse colleagues…with hidden talents.

Ask around any Criteo office, and you’ll find folks who’ve developed brilliant skills, many that fall far outside their job descriptions. The roster includes an Account Strategist that’s performed brain surgery, a Recruitment Coordinator who’s a wizard in the kitchen, Dev Leads as talented as classical musicians, and the best developer in France. Embracing variety? It’s the spice of #CriteoLife.

12. Team volunteering.

“Do the right thing,” is one principle every Criteo is charged with upholding. Each quarter we organize a group activity to give back as a team. From boxing and delivering food to cleaning up local gardens, we take pride in contributing something good to our community and the world at large. And we make it a priority.

13. Awesome co-workers.

How’s about sitting in and around incredible people who love what they do? Now that’s what we call #refreshing.

Michelle Pruett

As Global Head of Content at Criteo, Michelle leads a high-performing, multi-disciplinary team of marketers packaging insights, copy, design, and video into integrated campaigns. Her own writing has been featured in Entrepreneur, Business Insider, AdWeek, eMarketer, and more. Before joining the ...

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