What Do Criteo Dev Leads Have in Common With Classical Musicians?

Updated on September 16, 2020

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a developer at a company that’s known globally for its tech leadership? Many of our dev leads are as talented as some of the best musicians when it comes to writing code.

Ask any professional instrumentalist about their road to expertise, and you’ll quickly learn that they’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours practicing and learning their craft inside and out. Similarly, our dev leads bring a wealth of knowledge and training from the varied experiences they’ve had in the outside world. They’ve also continued to build robust careers at Criteo through our comprehensive matrix.

So what exactly do they do? At Criteo, dev leads are multi-talented individuals who can code like rock stars. Like any good bandmate or orchestra member, they often wear many hats — creator (musician), manager (conductor), and leader (music director). Dev leads also help out with a variety of other tasks, including recruiting, employee development, and preparing internal and external presentations.

Want to know more about what it’s like to be a Criteo dev lead? Aurel Ghioca, Senior Dev Lead, R&D and Manu Cupcic, Senior Staff Dev Lead, R&D, detail the ins and outs of their roles on the Criteo Labs blog. Hop over to read their post in full.

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